
Chrome extension for XPaths operations done the right way.



Chrome extension for XPath operations on current document, reliable and easy to use with fully featured XPath 2.0 support.


  • evaluating XPath on current document (using jQuery XPath)
  • evaluating XPath 2.0 queries and expresions
  • matched nodes content preview in sidebar
  • functions and attributes shortcuts
  • scroll viewport to selected node

Keyboard shortcuts

Alt+X - toggle XPather

Alt+Shift+X - toggle XPather Sidebar (when XPather is active)

Alt+Z - autocomplete XPather input

All shortcuts are customizable using "Keyboard Shortcuts" option located on the bottom of Chrome extensions page (chrome://extensions).

Available autocomplete shortcuts

Shortcut | XPath function --- | --- | --- co | contains() sw | starts-with() ew | ends-with() uc | upper-case() lc | lower-case() no | not()

Shortcut | HTML tag --- | --- | --- d | div s | span

Shortcut | HTML attribute --- | --- | --- @c | class @h | href @i | id @s | style @t | title