
Yarn Workspaces + XState + Next.js = ❤️



Yarn Workspaces + XState + Next.js = ❤️

What is this?

This template provides a basic yarn workspaces monorepo for publishing an npm package of XState machines and a Next.js site that allows for easily inspecting the machines. It uses preconstruct to make local development a breeze.

Develop some machines using the inspector site to help visualize them, publish the machines package, then publish the Next.js site. BAM! You've got yourself a package of XState machines and a site where users can play with them!

Check out a live version of the inspector site here: https://xstate-nextjs-workspaces-template.vercel.app/

How does it work?

Local development and build

The setup is powered primarily by preconstruct.

preconstruct is configured to run the preconstruct dev script during postinstall, which allows you to do local development in separate packages that depend on each other without needing to re-build the package each time you make a change.

It also handles building for us (at least for the packages it's configured to build, which is machines by default), so we don't really have to do much of anything.

Inspector site

The inspector package is a Next.js site with a fairly barebones setup. It's mostly intended to demonstrate a working pattern for rendering an inspector for each machine while rendering them at separate routes.

The machines package is configured to include src/ in its files and is in the nohoist list, meaning that the machines package will be installed directly to inspector/node_modules. This allows the inspector package to directly read the files in the machines package, which allows it to automatically generate routes and pages for each machine.

In order for this to work, each machine should be defined in its own file. The name of this file defines the slug of the machine, which is used in the URL path for the machine. For example, idle.machine.ts creates a machines/idle path. The exported machine variable in that file must also match the slug pattern e.g. idleMachine.

Versioning and publishing

Eventually I'd like to add changesets to make it easy to version and publish and generate changelogs for the machines package (and any others you might add), but for now I'm out of time and motivation. PRs welcome though!


  • Add changesets
  • Add @chakra-ui/react (Why? Because
    I'm a Chakra UI maintainer and I'm required by law to demonstrate that kind of
    bias towards my own stuff)
  • Make the inspector site not look like crap
  • Add MDX and add cool functionality like what
    @mattpocock is doing with
    XState Catalogue


  • @mattpocock for building XState Catalogue,
    which is the main source of inspiration for this template
  • @davidkpiano for being one hell of pianist.
    And for creating XState