JSON/CBOR style format as a compressor



ZDAG is a format similar to JSON or CBOR. You can encode and decode all the same types in ZDAG as you would JSON or CBOR without any additional schema requirements.

ZDAG is designed as a compressor.

ZDAG allows you to write your own compression right into your data structure.

ZDAG hands you a compression engine for you to program your data into for structural compression rates far beyond what just a generic string compression algorithm can give you because you can shape your data to fit.

ZDAG offers you:

  • A compression table to de-duplicate string values, byte values, links
    and map keys.
  • De-tokenization of well typed maps and lists.
  • ZDAG-DEFLATE variant applies additional deflate compression
    to only the compressable data values.
  • (TODO) ZDAG-BROTLI variant
  • Delta compression of map key pointers and well ordered sets.
  • Universal hashed based links (CID)
    for linking between encoded structures.

Most data will show a slight compression gain with ZDAG. But data structures designed for ZDAG can achieve structural compression rates greater than any generic compression algorithm and format. This compression is serialized to its own header, so you can still use standard string compression techniques on the string data without attempting to string compress ZDAG's structural compression or the hash based links.

This means that ZDAG's compression engine does not compete with string compression at all, it actually complements it.

In fact, even if all you have is a single string or binary value like a text file, you can use ZDAG to chunk that up for de-duplication using domain specific logic (like de-duplicating common syntax in a programming language by chunking around it). You can bank those de-duplication savings and then apply string compression to the remaining unique strings using ZDAG-DEFLATE or another string compression variant.

This means you can write domain specific compression algorithms that decompress with nothing but the standard ZDAG decoder (and INFLATE if using the ZDAG-DEFLATE variant).

Compression Table

The entire structure you pass to be encoded by ZDAG is traversed and every string value, byte value, link, and map key are sorted and put into a compression table.

This means that you can use the same map key, string, or byte value as many times over as you like and the serialization will often cost as low as one byte to refer to it again.

So the following object is 50% the size of JSON when encoded with ZDAG.

{ "hello": "world", "world": "hello" }

The compression table is strictly ordered, so you can predict the table ordering of all the keys and values in your structure.

Smaller strings sort to the low (cheap) end of the compression table, so you can chunk values into parts and predict the cost of their pointers in order to measure those costs against any gain you will see from de-duplication of newly common values that would result from the chunking.

So you can program the compression table by shaping the data even if you can't actually adjust the sort order of the compression table by hand.

ZDAG is a fully deterministic format. Data can only ever be encoded one way, so the same structure will always roundtrip to the same binary representation in every implementation. Most of these determinism rules don't even have to be handled by expensive validation code because they are part of the compression algorithms.

De-tokenization of well typed maps and lists.

When a list or map contains values of all the same type you also drop the typing token for every value, saving you 1 byte per entry.

const a = [ 'true', 'false', true ]
const b = [ 'true', 'false', 'true']

When serialized, b will actually be 2 bytes smaller than a. This is because a needs to prefix the strings with a typing token and b does not because the token used to open the list also hinted the type for every entry.

The same rules are applied when string, link, or byte types are used consisently.

const a = { 'true': 'true', 'false', false }
const b = { 'true': 'true', 'false', 'false' }

This also works for maps, so b is 1 byte smaller than a.

Delta compressed map key pointers and well ordered sets.

As the compression table grows pointers to table entries also grow in size to represent larger numbers.

But map keys are delta compressed. This means that every entry in the map only has to store the delta from the prior key in the sort ordering of the compression table. This reliably keeps map keys much cheaper than other values when the compression table is large.

The same is true of well typed lists and maps when the values happen to match the sort order of the compression table.

Also keep in mind that maps don't require a typing token for their key because we only allow one map key type. This means maps are very cheap in ZDAG compared to other formats and the keys aren't just de-duplicated across the structure and the pointers are kept quite small.

If the entries in a list match the sorting order of the compression table then the same thing happens, the indexes are delta encoded reducing their size.

import varint from 'varint'

const buffers = []

let i = 0
while (0 < 256) {

const a = buffers
cosnt b = buffers.reverse()

In this example a will be 126 bytes smaller than b because the entries in its list were sorted in alignment with the table. That's because the delta compression kept the pointers low while b ends up using 126 2byte pointers (VARINT encoding of 1byte numbers ends at 126).


ZDAG includes a native link type that uses CIDs. A CID is a hash based pointer.

This allows you to construct data structures that link between each other by hash.

With this you can use ZDAG to de-duplicate data shared between different pieces of encoded data. So if you want two pieces of encoded data to include a third piece of common data you can have the those two pieces of ZDAG encoded data link to the third, which means you've compressed the total structure across differ parts through another higher form of de-duplication.

Another nice feature of CID links is that, similar to URL schemes like ftp:// and http://, different pieces of data can be encoded in different formats. So if there is data that was already encoded in another format you don't have to re-encode it with ZDAG in order to link to it from ZDAG.

You can link to any hash based format, like those found in git, IPFS, Bitcoin, ETH, and many more. And of course you can link different pieces of ZDAG data between each other.

These links are understood by decentalized systems like IPFS too. So you can actually share these larger graphs of compressed data in decentralized networks by their CID (you can derive an address for anything you encode with ZDAG by hashing it) and even link to your ZDAG compressed data in blockchain transactions.

Finally, the links header is compressed using CID specific parsing rules to de-duplicate common prefixes and pack the header together without special tokens or extra length encodings. This puts links in their own compression table, which means they have their own address space apart from the values, optimizing the total available address space.


Normally it's a terrible idea to combine compressors as it's expensive and yields little gain. However, all of ZDAG's compression is happening in the structure encoding against an isolated compression table that stores all the string and byte data.

This puts us in an optimal position for additional string compression as we have already isolated where applying this compression will be most effective and can apply it there and nowhere else.

In fact, the delta compression we use on this header inceases the frequency of common separators between each of your values, and they are already ordered, so it's actually ideally prepared for a string compressor.

This is implemented as a separate variant codec because:

  • Optionality in choosing the compression would break determinism.
  • We don't want to turn it on by default because if the values
    are byte data they may already be compressed or are encrypted.
    This is actually the majority case with blockchain data.
  • We want to leave room for improved string compressors to be
    applied to this header in the future.

Other features

  • fully deterministic
  • supports the full IPLD data model
  • links can be parsed without reading the entire block
  • common link prefixes are de-duplicated (link header compression)
  • paths can be read without fully parsing most values
  • some paths can even be ruled out of being available simply by checking
    the lengths of potential map keys


  • Does not support anything not in the IPLD data model
  • Blocks must be written transactionally (no streaming)
  • Every serialization must be a single, complete value type


The code base changes daily, breaking changes without notice, and the spec is still being written.