
zrender element inspector, which can be used to assist the development of debugging. | zrender 元素检查器,可用来辅助开发调试。

MIT License



English | 简体中文

🔧 ZRender element inspector, which can be used to assist the development of debugging.

This tool provides a way similar to the DOM structure of the Element tag debugging page in ChromeDevtools to inspect ZRender elements, and also provides some similar document.querySelectorAll() APIs to query and select ZRender elements globally.

Online example



npm install -D @wang1212/zrender-inspector

Refer to the usage of esm format below.


// umd
<script src="path/to/bundle.umd.min.js"></script>;
const inspectorIns = zrenderInspector.Inspector.inspect(zrIns, config?);
// or
const inspectorIns = new zrenderInspector.Inspector(zrIns, config?);

// esm
import { Inspector } from 'path/to/bundle.esm.min.js';
const inspectorIns = Inspector.inspect(zrIns, config?);
// or
const inspectorIns = new Inspector(zrIns, config?);

new Inspector()

  • new Inspector(zrIns, config?)

  • parameter

    name type optional default description
    zrIns ZRenderType ZRender instance
    config { highlightCSS?: string; } true
    config.highlightCSS string true Element highlight style cssText

For example, to debug the echarts chart library:

const chartIns = echarts.init(dom);

const inspectorIns = new Inspector(chartIns.getZr(), {
  highlightCSS: 'background-color: yellow; opacity: 0.25;'

// Enable mouseover highlighting to inspect elements
inspectorIns.hoverHighlightEnable = true;

inspect element

By default, when the mouse hovers over an element that can respond to an event, some information about the element will be printed in Console of ChromeDevtools via console.debug(), but the element will not be highlighted.


  • type boolean
  • default false

Whether to enable the mouse hover highlight element. When set to true, when the mouse hovers over an element that can respond to an event, it will be highlighted, and some element information will be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. Click on the highlighted element to print the element instance in ChromeDevtools Console (via console.dir()).

inspectorIns.hoverHighlightEnable = true;


  • type (el: Element) => string

Set the log content printed by console.debug().

By default it is:

[zrIns.id][el.id] el.name (type:el.type) X: Y: W: H: x: y: w: h:


  • disableAllElementSilent()

When the element is set with the silent: true attribute, it will not respond to mouse events. For debugging convenience, you can force the silent attribute of all elements to be set to false.


query element


  • querySelectorAll(selector): Element[]

  • parameter

    name type optional default description
    selector string element selector
  • return

    name type description
    elements Element[] A collection of all elements that match

Query the collection of all matched elements according to the element attributes.

Among them, selector can specify the attribute key-value pair of the query target element, and supports multiple attributes:

// Query all rectangle (Rect) type elements
const elements = inspectorIns.querySelectorAll('type=rect');
// Query all rectangle (Rect) type elements with red fill color
const elements = inspectorIns.querySelectorAll('type=rect,style.fill=#f00');


  • querySelector(selector): Element

  • parameter

    name type optional default description
    selector string element selector
  • return

    name type description
    element Element the first element that matches

Query the first matched element according to the element attribute.


  • getElementById(id): Element

  • parameter

    name type optional default description
    id string Element id attribute value
  • return

    name type description
    element Element the first element that matches

Query the first matching element based on the element's id attribute.


  • getElementsByName(name): Element

  • parameter

    name type optional default description
    name string Element name attribute value
  • return

    name type description
    elements Element[] A collection of all matched elements

Query the set of all matching elements according to the name attribute of the element.


  • Development mode

    npm run dev # or $ npm run esbuild-dev
  • Development mode (web server)

    npm run dev-serve # or $ npm run esbuild-dev-serve
  • Run test

    npm run test
  • Build bundle

    npm run build
  • Build Html documents from Markdown documents

    npm run build:docs-html

See the scripts field in package.json for more commands.


Run npm run build, the following bundles will eventually be generated.

├── bundle.esm.js
├── bundle.esm.min.js
├── bundle.umd.js
└── bundle.umd.min.js

Will also generate the corresponding sourcemap file.

Development Guidelines

Git Commit Message Format

Adopt community commit format best practices:

# Before
git commit

# Now
npm run commit

This constraint relies on tools commitizen and commitlint provided by the community.

npm publish

The version management of this module adopts the specifications recommended by the community Semantic Versioning. Follow version changes and maintain a CHANGELOG.md(Learn why).

# Update version and generate changelog before publishing to npm repository
npm run release
# Or, preview
npm run release -- --dry-run

# Then publish to npm, if yes is not selected when auto-publishing to npm
npm publish # npm publish --access public

These jobs are done with the help of release-it tool provided by the community.
