My personal page, CV and blog

OTHER License


Ana María Martínez Gómez (@Ana06) personal page:

It includes an About me section, my cv and a blog.

This project also includes a resume in pdf: resume-AnaMariaMartinez.pdf


This site is built with Jekyll and Bootstrap.

Just run bundle exec jekyll serve.

Or if you want to include future blog post (useful when working on unreleased blog post): bundle exec jekyll serve --future.

Remember that to use bundle exec you first need to run bundle install to install the required gems.

The _posts directory contains all the blog post files. The _data/cv.yml directory contains the CV information.

To get the cv in .pdf from the data in the _data directory, inside the cv_latex directory run:

ruby generate_cv.rb

This will generate the .tex and the .pdf. This script is using pdflatex. Because of that, before using it, you need to install some packages. In openSUSE, you need texlive-latex and texlive-fontawesome.

License and contributions

This repository with the exception of the _posts and img folders and where otherwise noted is licensed under AGPL-3.0. The posts folder contains the blog posts which are licensed under CC BY 4.0.

List of used code/components: