
A Jekyll and TailwindCSS starter template designed for local government microsites

MIT License


Local Gov Static

This theme is built using Jekyll and Tailwind CSS and is designed as a starter template for Local Government microsites.

It has been setup to follow the process in this blog post so it uses post-css to process the styles and jekyll to build the pages.

For more background information about static sites and this project, take a look at the West Northants Local Gov Blog.

For a demo and more documentation of the components, take a look at the demo website.


  • Fork this repository
  • Install the npm dependencies for tailwind using npm install
  • Install the gem dependencies using bundle install
  • Run the site locally using bundle exec jekyll serve

Customising the theme

As this app uses Tailwind CSS for styling you can customise the tailwind.config.js as per any other tailwind site.

The only custom settings are for the action colour which can be customised as needed. There is a light (200), regular (500) and dark (900) setting for the action that is used in various places throughout the site.

colors: {
    action: {
        200: "#E9EEF3'",
        500: "#385889",
        900: "#0E335B",

HTML Proofing

To proof the HTML and check for broken links, run:

bundle exec jekyll build
bundle exec htmlproofer ./_site

Hosting with S3 and Cloudfront

How you host your static site is up to you, but there are some example files that can be used to get you started with hosting in AWS with S3 and cloudfront.

The files are provided as a starting point, so ensure you understand what they do and that they are suitable for your needs before using!

Use the s3-cloudfront.yml file to create a new stack in cloudfront using either AWS CLI or the AWS console. This will create a bucket and a cloudfront distribution for you.

Manually deploying to S3

You can manually build and deploy the site from your local machine using the following commands, replacing bucket-name with the name of your bucket and my-profile with the name of your aws profile:

JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build
aws s3 sync _site s3://bucket-name --delete --cache-control max-age=300 --profile my-profile

Deploying using GitHub Actions

There is an example GitHub workflow configured to deploy the changes to the S3 bucket when you push to the main branch, and then invalidate the Cloudfront cache.

Rename .github/workflows/s3-deploy.yml.example to .github/workflows/s3-deploy.yml.

Configure an OpenID Connect (OIDC) role following this tutorial.

Then, configure the following GitHub Actions secrets in your GitHub repo:


It will run the GitHub Action automatically when ever changes are pushed to the main branch.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/FutureNorthants/LocalGovStatic. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.