
GitHub-Pages-Preview is a Node.js replacement for Jekyll sites, allowing you to build your site, as-is, without needing to install Ruby or Python




GitHub-Pages-Preview is a Node.js replacement for Jekyll sites, allowing you to build your site, as-is, without needing to install Ruby or Python. The story behind the original version, JekyllJS.


  • No need to convert your site - liquid markup is handled using liquid-node
  • Near identical output (see Differences below)
  • Can optionally serve your site (including 404 page), so you can see your changes immediately
  • Bonus liquid templates for generating a tags page, an archive page, and a RSS feed (found in the bonus/ folder)
  • It's very simple, so I'm having a hard time coming up with a fifth feature


  • Code highlighting: Jekyll uses Pygments or Rouge for code highlighting, while GitHub-Pages-Preview uses highlight.js. Your code still gets highlighted, just the output will be different
  • Dates: Dates in JavaScript handle Romance Daylight Time, meaning that if you're in Europe, any dates between the end of March to the end of October will have an extra hour in the output, i.e. new Date( "2016-04-01 00:00:00 +0100" ) will print as Fri Apr 01 2016 01:00:00 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time). This may or may not be a problem for you, depending on how you use dates in your site
  • Categories: GitHub-Pages-Preview doesn't support them, as I don't use them in my site. If there's a need, however, that can be changed
  • Collections: Other than posts and drafts, not yet supported
  • Include variables: Assigning variables for the {% include %} tag isn't supported. If you need support for tokens (for dynamic includes), you need to apply the patch listed below. Having updated the dependencies, I'm investigating whether this limitation is still true. Third party confirmation would be gratefully received.
  • Null {% if %} checks: If you check for null via {% if someVar == null %}, you'll need to change it to {% if someVar == undefined %} or just simply {% if someVar %}


Liquid-node doesn't currently support tokens in the {% include %} tag, so if it's something you need, you can apply the quick patch fix found in include.js in the patches/ directory. Just copy the file to the node_modules/liquid-node/lib/liquid/tags/ folder after you've installed your dependencies.

When I added Markdown support using the marked node.js library I found that it was escaping all quotes for all reasons, including normal text ("don't", "can't", "I'm", etc). I don't particularly like this behaviour (it's still valid HTML though), so I added a fix around it. Just replace the marked.js file in the patches/ directory with the one in the node_modules/marked/lib/ folder if you want to do the same.


GitHub-Pages-Preview comes with a simple config file, config/default.yaml, meaning you can change a few things without having to re-compile the project. It looks like this:

  level: info
  '404': /404/
  path: /home/mike/nodejs/
  keywords: 'default,keywords,here'
  description: default description
  parentClassName: highlight
  shouldWrap: true
  port: 4000

which translates as:

  • log.level: the level used by Bunyan, the logger used by GitHub-Pages-Preview
  • src.path: the full path to the folder containing your Jekyll site (i.e. where _layouts/ and _posts/ live)
  • src.404: the path for the file to serve as the 404 page, if you have one
  • meta.keywords: the default meta keywords to add to each page if the page doesn't specify any. Set to null or leave out to ignore this
  • meta.description: the default meta description to add to each page if the page doesn't specify one. If null or left out, then the description in _config.yml will be used (if set)
  • opengraph.fb:admins: the ID of the Facebook user that you want to associate as the admin of the page. If null, then it's not added to the page
  • opengraph.og:type: the default type for each page, unless overwritten. If null and not overwritten, then it's not added to the page
  • opengraph.og:image: the image to use as the default OpenGraph share. If null and not overwritten, then it's not added to the page
  • highlight.parentClassname: the classname for the parent node for highlighted code. Use highlight to keep with the Jekyll generated code, or hljs to use the highlight.js version
  • highlight.shouldWrap: Should we wrap our generated code in a div? Use true to keep with the Jekyll generated code, or false to use the highlight.js version (in which case the highlight.parentClassname will be applied to the code tag
  • server.port: the port to use when serving the site

NOTE: other basic OpenGraph tags can be auto generated:

  • og:title: the post title, or the site title if there isn't a post one: <meta property="og:title" content="{% if page.title %}{{ page.title }}{% else %}{{ site.title }}{% endif %}" />
  • og:site_name: taken from _config.yml: <meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ site.title }}"/>
  • og:url: the full canonical url of the page; <meta property="og:url" content="{{ page.url | replace:'index.html','' | prepend: site.baseurl | prepend: site.url }}" />

Running GitHub-Pages-Preview

To compile your site, make sure the config in config/default.yaml is up to date, then open a command line and type:


If you want GitHub-Pages-Preview to serve your site as well, use:

./ghpp serve

Sample Post YAML FrontMatter

A quick idea of the frontmatter for a post, some of which would override the site defaults:

date: 2016-04-23 17:19:00 +0100
layout: post
permalink: /intro/
title: "Intro"
  keywords: one, two, three, four
  description: This is the description for the intro doc
  fb:admins: 1234567
  og:type: website
  og:image: /img/open_graph2.png
  og:locale: en_GB
  og:video: ""


  • date: the date the post was published
  • layout: the layout to use for the post
  • permalink: the permalink for the post
  • title: the title for the post
  • meta.keywords: keywords to use for the <meta> tag in the page head. If null, then the defaults from the config are used
  • meta.description: the description to use for the <meta> tag in the page head. If null, then the default from the config is used
  • opengraph.fb:admins: the ID of the Facebook user to set as the admin from the page. If null, then the default from the config is used
  • opengraph.og:type: the type of the page for opengraph. If null, then the default from the config is used
  • opengraph.og:image: the image to use for opengraph. If null, then the default from the config is used
  • og:locale/og:video: any other opengraph tag will be added to the page automatically
  • tracking:fbpixel: the ID of the Facebook tracking pixel that you want to add to the page

Theme support

Check out GitHub pages themes into the themes directory.

You may need to add {% endseo %} tags until I can figure out how to create auto-closing tags in Liquid.

You can build the scss into plain css with the included buildStyle script.