
Benchmarking tools for Jekyll

MIT License


Tools for benchmarking Jekyll

This purpose of this repo is to hold tools that can be used to benchmark Jekyll. Initially, it starts with a single script and a couple of support files to generate test sites.

Currently planned features include the following:

  • More scripts or a framework to build more complex sites to use for
    different types of benchmarks.
  • A plugin that uses Jekyll's hooks to instrument how long certain
    operations take.
  • A set of tools that can be used to track Jekyll's performance over
    time, integrate with CI, and provide status checks that integrate
    with GitHub in order to notify Jekyll's developers of performance

How to use the script

You can run the script straight from the cloned repository using

bash X .

...where X is the number of posts you want to generate.

If you want to test the various Jekyll plugins and how they affect the build, you'll need to do the following:

  • Run a couple of tests on the clean installation to have some basic
    values to work with (increase X incrementally to do this).
  • Create a _plugins folder and put the .rb file of the plugin there.
  • Run the tests using the same X values as you've used in the
    bare installation.
  • Compare the results of those two sets of tests.


MIT. See the LICENSE file for more details