
A card theme for Jekyll made awesome using Bulma.


Jekyll Cards Boilerplate

A card theme for Jekyll made awesome using Bulma.

In the wild



  1. Install bundler gem install bundler
  2. Install bower npm install -g bower

Getting Started

$ bundle install
$ bower install
$ jekyll serve


Cards should be saved as a yaml file in the src/_data folder (ex: src/_data/films.yml).

Feel free to add whatever metadata applies to your card. If present, the description field will be shown below your metadata.

  - meta1: 1
  - meta2: two
  - description: "A short description"

Configure cards in _config.yml.

  data: films         # yaml file in _data (without .yml)
  comments: true      # toggle global comments on pages
    name: decade      # field in yaml to group by
    caption: decades  # name of category (ex: industries)  
    fa-icon: folder-open
    fa-style: far     # valid: fas (solid), far (regular), fal (light), fab (brand)
    - name: year        # field in yaml to map
      caption: year
      fa-icon: calendar
      fa-style: far
    - name: url
      caption: www
      fa-icon: globe
      fa-style: fas

A page for each card will be automatically generated at /<>/<>.html (ex: /films/the-room.html)

When you use the group_by section (currently required), all cards will be grouped into category pages located at /<>/<value>.html (ex: /decades/1930s.html)

If you wish to override the comment configuration on a specific card, you may add a comments field to your cards entry (ex: comments: false)

Deploy to Github Pages from Travis CI

With the help of Travis, pushing to master will trigger a deploy to Github Pages automatically.

  1. Point Travis to repository
  2. Configure Travis
  3. Generate a Personal Access Token from Github
  • The only scope needed is repo:public_repo
  1. Set GITHUB_API=<token> on Travis
  • Make sure Display value in build log toggle is set to Off!
  1. Update src/CNAME

Deploy to Netlify


Wait, what happens when I click that button?

Good question. Here's what it will do...

  1. Netlify will clone the git repository of this project into your Github account. This action will require your permission from Github, and of course a Netlify account.
  2. Netlify will then create a new site for you, and configure it to use your shiny new repo. Right away you'll be able to deploy changes simply by pushing changes to your repo.
  3. Enjoy your new blog
Extracted from project README
Build Status Deploy to Netlify