
A Yeoman generator for Jekyll to rapidly build sites using Gulp

MIT License


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Looking for a (co)-maintainer

I've since stopped using Jekyll and consequently have neither the time nor need to maintain this package, I would however love it if someone who either found this generator useful or wants to help to take over the responsibility in maintaining it. Hit me up on Twitter (@sondr3), Keybase (@sondre) or the mail in my GitHub profile, I'll be more than happy to help you get up and running! :)

NOTE: Currently using gulp 4.0 which is in beta!


generator-jekyllized is a very opinionated Yeoman generator built with Jekyll and gulp. You will be able to quickly scaffold your site and start developing. As you are working on your site your assets will automatically be updated and injected into your browser as well as your posts. When you are done developing and want to publish it you are two commands away from having everything optimized and published.


Rapidly prototype

While developing locally everything you change will automatically be updated and injected into your browser. Changing your SCSS or JavaScript files will automatically updated them, create sourcemaps and inject them. Writing or editing posts and pages for your website will do the same. Simple and effective.


Built on top of Jekyll 3, you get a mature and stable base with the full power that Jekyll brings you. You'll have sitemaps, Atom feeds generated and SEO meta data tags added to your posts and pages.

Optimize your assets

When you are done developing you can have your assets optimized and injected correctly into your HTML. Your assets will be minified, compressed with gzip, cache busted and otherwise optimized. Your images will be run through compressors to save space and even your HTML will be minified.


Finally, once everything is done and you are ready to publish your site, you can do it via either Amazon S3, Github Pages or Rsync. With a single command your new/updated site is uploaded to your platform of choice.

Getting started



  • Ruby: >2.0 with Bundler >1.10
  • Node: >4.2 and Yo >1.7.0
  • Gulp: Since the release candidate is running Gulp 4.0 you need to install
    gulp-cli: npm install gulp-cli -g
  • Jekyllized: Then install Jekyllized: npm install generator-jekyllized -g


  • Scaffold: Run yo jekyllized in the directory you want scaffold your site
  • Start: Run gulp and watch the magic unfold


To update the generator, run npm update -g generator-jekyllized and then run yo jekyllized:update and it will update your packages and gulp tasks. You can skip installing dependencies by running it with --skip-install. NOTE: Updating will overwrite any changes you've done to your gulp tasks and package.json, so back them up before running it! It will ask before overwriting though, so you can see the diff before applying it.


gulp [--prod]

This is the default command, and probably the one you'll use the most. This command will build your assets and site with development settings. You'll get sourcemaps, your drafts will be generated and you'll only generate the last 10 posts (for speed). As you are changing your posts, pages and assets they will automatically update and inject into your browser via BrowserSync.


Once you are done and want to verify that everything works with production settings you add the flag --prod and your assets will be optimized. Your CSS, JS and HTML will be minified and gzipped, plus the CSS and JS will be cache busted. The images will be compressed and Jekyll will generate a site with all your posts and no drafts.

gulp build [--prod]

This command is identical to the normal gulp [--prod] however it will not create a BrowserSync session in your browser.

gulp (build) [--prod] main subtasks

gulp jekyll [--prod]

Without production settings Jekyll will only create the 10 latest posts and will create both future posts and drafts. With --prod none of that is true and it will generate all your posts.

gulp styles|scripts [--prod]

Both your CSS and JS will have sourcemaps generated for them under development settings. Once you generate them with production settings sourcemap generation is disabled. Both will be minified, gzipped and cache busted with production settings.

gulp images

Optimizes and caches your images. This is a set it and forget it command for the most part.

gulp html --prod

Does nothing without --prod. Minifies and gzips your HTML files.

gulp serve

If you just want to watch your site you can run this command. If wanted you can also edit the serve task to allow it to tunnel via localtunnel so people outside your local network can view it as well:

    // tunnel: true,

You can also change the behaviour for how it opens the URL when you run gulp [--prod], you can see the options here:

    // open: false,

gulp deploy

When you're done developing and have built your site with either gulp --prod or gulp build --prod you can deploy your site to either Amazon S3, Github Pages or with Rsync.

Amazon S3 and Rsync

If you chose either of these two, you'll have a [rsync/aws]-credentials.json file in your root folder that you have to fill out. It should be pretty self explanatory, however, if you need any help with configuring it, you should check out either the gulp-awspublish repo or gulp-rsync repo for help.

Github Pages

If you chose to upload to Github Pages there's no configuration besides starting a git repo in your folder, setting an origin remote repo and run gulp deploy. Your site will be automatically pushed to Github. See the FAQ for configuring personal repos vs project repos.

gulp check

Lints your JavaScript files using ESLint with XO Space settings and run jekyll doctor to look for potential errors.

gulp clean

Deletes your assets from their .tmp directory as well as in dist and deletes any gzipped files. NOTE: Does not delete your images from .tmp to reduce the time to build your site due to image optimizations.

gulp rebuild

Only use this if you want to regenerate everything, this will delete everything generated. Images, assets, your Jekyll site. You really shouldn't need to do this.


All of the subtasks lives in their own files in the gulp directory and are named after what they do. You can edit or look at any of them to see how they actually work. They're all commented.

Frequently Asked Questions

Inject more than one JavaScript file

If you want to split up your JavaScript files into say a index.js and a vendor.js file with files from [Bower][bower] you can do this quite easily. Create a copy of the scripts gulp task and rename it to scripts:vendor and change the gulp.src files you need:


and then change .pipe(concat('index.js')) into .pipe(concat('vendor.js')). Then you go to the bottom of the gulpfile and change the assets task:

gulp.task('assets', gulp.series(
  gulp.parallel('styles', 'scripts:vendor', 'scripts', 'fonts', 'images')

Notice the scripts:vendor task that has been added. Also be ware that things are injected in alphabetical order, so if you need your vendor scripts before the index.js file you have to either rename the index.js file or rename the vendor.js file. When you now run gulp or gulp build it will create a vendor.js file and automatically inject it at the bottom of your HTML. When running with --prod it'll automatically optimize and such as well.

For more advanced uses, refer to the gulp-inject documentation on how to create individual inject tags and inject specific files into them.

Github Pages configuration

By default if you select Github Pages as your deployment option your site will be pushed to a gh-pages branch, this works fine for any project pages but won't work for your personal repo. If you want to use a site all you have to do is to uncomment the branch line.

gulp.task('upload', (done) => {
  ghPages.publish(path.join(__dirname + '/../../', 'dist'), {
    dotfiles: true,
    // branch: "master"

You might also have to configure the URL for your site if you want to use Github Pages. Luckily the Jekyll documentation has you covered.

Why don't you support Stylus/LESS/Angular/etc

Because I've never used them nor do I have any plans of using them. Furthermore, they're a bit outside what I want with this generator anyways. I want a lean, simple and opinionated generator, not a big complicated one.


See the contribution docs.



MIT © Sondre Nilsen (