
Prometheus exporter for Jenkins Build executors.

MIT License



Prometheus exporter for Jenkins Build executors metrics. Use this with AlertManager to build alerting for your remote executors/agents/slaves.

  • online_status

Whether a node has become disconnected

  • temporarily_offline_status

Whether a node is deliberately marked as offline for maintenance

Options for running:

The default port for the exporter is TCP/9001 and the metrics endpoint is /metrics.

  • As a long running daemon inside a Docker container
docker run -p 9001:9001 -d alexellis2/build_executor_exporter:0.2-faas ./build_executor_exporter -urls http://site1,http://site2
  • As a native Golang binary

Run go install and use with -urls http://site1,http://site2

  • As a serverless / one-shot Docker image:

This wil run once and then output to stdout and can be used with FaaS as a serverless function.

docker run -ti alexellis2/build_executor_exporter:0.2-faas ./build_executor_exporter -urls http://site1,http://site2

Sample alert.rules

This is an example of alerting rules which can be configured with AlertManager:

ALERT AgentOffline 
  IF online_status == 0 
  FOR 60s
    service = "build_executor_exporter",
    severity = "major",
    value = "{{$value}}"
    summary = "Agent down on {{ $labels.instance }}",
    description =  "High invocation total on {{ $labels.instance }} {{ $value }}"

You may want to combine this with the temporarily_offline_status flag if you have build agents which are kept offline for long periods of maintenance.


[-] Configure basic auth through CLI arguments



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