
CI/CD Pipeline Deployment to Kubernetes using ArgoCD


DevOps-Automation Project

Assignment is mentioned below

CI/CD Pipeline Development


Create a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline using one of the specified tools (Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, AWS CodePipeline, GCP Cloud Build, or Azure Pipeline). The pipeline should automate the deployment of a containerized application to a Kubernetes cluster, ensuring that the application is accessible via a web browser.

Pipeline Stages:

Checkout Application Code:

Retrieve the latest code from the version control system (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket).

Code Analysis using SonarQube:

Analyze the code quality and security vulnerabilities using SonarQube. (Optional) Fail the build if specified quality thresholds are not met.

Build Docker Image:

Build a Docker image from the application code. Tag the image appropriately.

Push into Image Registry:

Push the built Docker image to a specified public or private container image registry (e.g., Docker Hub, AWS ECR, GCP Container Registry).

Deploy into Kubernetes Cluster using ArgoCD:

Use ArgoCD to deploy the Docker image to a Kubernetes cluster. The deployment should trigger automatically upon a new docker image tag being updated into deployment.yaml file.

Kubernetes Exposition:

Configure Kubernetes services or an Ingress controller to expose the application. Ensure the application is accessible from the browser.

Technical Specifications:

Tools and Technologies:

Choose a CI/CD tool suitable for your infrastructure and familiarity. Use Docker for containerization. Kubernetes for orchestration. ArgoCD for Kubernetes deployment synchronization. SonarQube for code quality and security analysis.


  1. Minikube setup on local ->

  2. Setup Jenkins, Sonar

  3. Setup ArgoCD Some good resource links: 1) Follow the below doc to setup ArgoCD

         For Best CICD Project (jenkins, sonarqube, docker, kubernetes, argocd, image updater):![image](

Links to be opened

  1. minikube start --force

  2. http://localhost:8080/ -> jenkins

  3. http://localhost:9000/projects -> sonar, make sure sonaruqube container is up Command to make it up : docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 -p 9092:9092

  4. kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8082:443

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