


A Docker test fixture system available for use from any JUnit tests, especially using JenkinsRule in the Jenkins functional test harness.

The use case is for tests which need to connect to some kind of self-contained (Linux) service which cannot be easily hosted on the test machine itself. Typical examples would include Jenkins agents with specific software packages preloaded, or SCM servers which it would be hard to launch portably from any environment.

Another reason to run some things inside Docker is to simply simulate cases where code runs remotely, with different filesystem paths, user accounts, etc.

Note that the typical architecture is that of a single machine with a local Docker daemon. Tests are assumed to be running on the host itself; i.e., this is unlike a multicontainer test system you might orchestrate with Docker Compose.

Probably this library should be deprecated in favor of


Defining a fixture

Each fixture is defined in terms of a DockerContainer subtype with a @DockerFixture annotation. This type typically exposes various methods needed to interact with the running fixture.

A fixture also needs to define a Dockerfile in the resources directory. If a fixture class is org/acme/, then by default the definition must be located at org/acme/FooContainer/Dockerfile. (In the case of inner classes, dollar sign ($) is replaced with a slash (/).) The same directory may contain other files ADDed to or COPYd into the image, as usual with docker build.

Subclassing another fixture

If your fixture extends another one rather than DockerContainer directly, you can inherit behaviors while adding new ones. In this case the FROM directive of your Dockerfile should specify the image of the parent, as detailed in the Javadoc for DockerFixture.

Running a fixture

Simply add to your (JUnit 4) test:

public static DockerClassRule<MyContainer> docker = new DockerClassRule<>(MyContainer.class);

If and when you wish to start using the fixture from a test case, call the create() method. This will launch the container and give you a handle you can use to call fixture methods.

If the test is run on a system which cannot run the docker command, the test will be treated as skipped automatically.

When the test case finishes, the container is stopped and cleaned up automatically.

Accessing ports

When you specify ports in the annotation, you allow services in the fixture to be accessed from the test. Always use the ipBound and port methods on each container to determine where to make the actual connection.

Custom networks

If you want your docker containers to connect to a custom network you can set the environment variable DOCKER_FIXTURES_NETWORK to the name of the network you want to use.


See the mercurial-plugin sources for a complete example of defining and using a fixture, including inheritance:

  • src/test/java/hudson/plugins/mercurial/ declares the fixture, along with some helper nethods
  • src/test/resources/hudson/plugins/mercurial/MercurialContainer/Dockerfile defines the fixture’s contents
  • src/test/java/hudson/plugins/mercurial/ demonstrates its usage


See GitHub Releases. (For 1.8 and earlier, see the old changelog.