
Automatically installs the Go tools on Jenkins build agents


Go programming language plugin for Jenkins

Automatically installs and sets up the Go programming language (golang) tools on a Jenkins agent during a build.


During a build, this plugin can:

  • Install a particular version of Go on the agent that the build is running on
    • The correct package for the machine's operating system and CPU architecture will be automatically downloaded and installed, if not already present
  • Export the GOROOT environment variable, pointing to the installed Go tools
  • Add the path $GOROOT/bin as a prefix of the PATH, so that the tools are available during the build


Once this plugin is installed, you must first configure which Go version(s) you need for your Jenkins jobs, and then configure any jobs that need Go as appropriate.

Global configuration

  1. In the Global Tool Configuration (Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration), find the "Go" section, click "Go Installations…" and "Add Go".
  2. Enter a name, e.g. "1.19" — the name itself has no significance, but it's what you'll need to provide for a Pipeline, or will be displayed to users during Freestyle job configuration
  3. Either select "Install automatically" and pick the desired Go version from the drop-down list, or specify another installation method

Per-job configuration

Declarative Pipeline

You can use the tools directive within any pipeline or stage. For example:

pipeline {
  // Run on an agent where we want to use Go
  agent any

  // Ensure the desired Go version is installed for all stages,
  // using the name defined in the Global Tool Configuration
  tools { go '1.19' }

  stages {
    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        // Output will be something like "go version go1.19 darwin/arm64"
        sh 'go version'

Scripted Pipeline

You will need to grab the installation directory from the tool step, and ensure that the correct GOROOT and PATH are set. For example:

// Run on an agent where we want to use Go
node {
    // Ensure the desired Go version is installed on this agent,
    // using the name defined in the Global Tool Configuration
    def root = tool type: 'go', name: '1.19'

    // Export environment variables to pointing the Go installation;
    // the `PATH+X` syntax prepends an item to the existing `PATH`:
    // https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/workflow-basic-steps/#withenv-set-environment-variables
    withEnv(["GOROOT=${root}", "PATH+GO=${root}/bin"]) {
        // Output will be something like "go version go1.19 darwin/arm64"
        sh 'go version'


  1. In a job's configuration, find the "Build environment" section
  2. Select the "Set up Go programming language tools" checkbox
  3. Select the name of a Go installation from the drop-down
