
The cve-processor Helm chart deploys a Go-based application designed to fetch CVE data from the CVE repository and push it to Kafka for further processing. The chart includes configuration for running the application as a Kubernetes job, secured access via environment variables, and a robust scaling policy.


Helm CVE Processor

Helm Chart Summary for cve-processor Application

Description: The cve-processor Helm chart deploys a Go-based application designed to fetch CVE data from the CVE repository and push it to Kafka for further processing. The chart includes configuration for running the application as a Kubernetes job, secured access via environment variables, and a robust scaling policy.


  • Kubernetes Job: Defines a one-time job to fetch CVE data and push it to Kafka.
  • InitContainer: Ensures database schema migration using Flyway before the main job starts.
  • RBAC Configuration: Includes a role and role binding that provides necessary permissions for jobs and secrets.
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA): Automatically scales the application pods between 1 and 3 replicas based on CPU utilization.
  • Pod Disruption Budget (PDB): Ensures at least one pod is available during disruptions.
  • Service Account: Runs the job under a service account with no automounted tokens for added security.
  • Resource Limits: Manages CPU and memory requests and limits for efficient resource usage.
  • Liveness and Readiness Probes: Configured for health checks, ensuring the application is running and ready to serve requests.
  • Secrets Management: Handles sensitive information such as database passwords and Kafka credentials using Kubernetes secrets.
  • Image Pull Secrets: Securely pulls Docker images from Docker Hub using a personal access token (PAT).

Usage: To deploy the cve-processor application using Helm, run the following command:

helm install cve-processor ./cve-processor -n cve-processor

Replace -n cve-processor with your desired namespace.

This Helm chart provides a scalable, secure, and reliable solution for fetching CVE data and pushing it to Kafka in a Kubernetes environment.

Extracted from project README
Amazon Web Services Golang Jenkins Groovy Docker PostgreSQL Kubernetes Helm Semantic Release Apache Kafka
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