
Jenkins plugin to copy a job in a build step.


= Jobcopy Builder plugin


This plugin adds "Copy Job" as a build step.You can select how to retrieve choices, including the way to share choices among all jobs.


[[JobcopyBuilderplugin-Whatsthis]] == What's this?

This plugin provides a Copy Job build step:

  • It makes a new job from an existing job.
    ** You can copy multiple jobs in one build execution with specifying
    multiple Copy Job build steps.
    ** Can be applied to any type of jobs.
  • You specify following parameters.
    ** From Job Name
    *** Variable expressions can be used.
    ** To Job Name
    *** Variable expressions can be used.
    ** Overwrite
    *** Specifies whether to overwrite the destination job if it already
  • Additional operations can be performed when copying.
    ** Enable Job: Enabling the destination job if the source job is
    ** Disable Job: Disabling the destination job if the source job is
    enabled. ( >= 1.3.0)
    ** Replace String: Replace strings in a job configuration.
    *** Source and destination strings can contain variable expressions.
  • Additional operation can be extended by using Extension Points.

[[JobcopyBuilderplugin-Screenshots]] == Screenshots

. You can add "Copy Job" build step. + #image:docs/images/01-configure.png[image]# . "Copy Job" performs additional operations. Replacing strings in the configuration, enabling a disabled job.

  • The job copied from +
  • The job copied to. String "VERSION" is replaced, and the job is
    enabled. +
    . Replacing strings can be applied to any part of configurations,
    including that of plugins. This is a example that the branch field of
    Git plugin is replaced.
  • The job copied from. +
  • The job copied to. String "VERSION" is replaced. +

[[JobcopyBuilderplugin-Howdoesthiswork]] == How does this work?

This plugin works as following:

. Reads the configuration xml (config.xml) of the copying job. . Applies the operations to the configuration xml string. . Create a new job with the processed configuration xml string.

[[JobcopyBuilderplugin-Extensionpoint]] == Extension point

A new way to provide choices can be added with implementing +JobcopyOperation+, overriding the following method:


public String perform(String xmlString, String encoding, EnvVars env, PrintStream logger);

or, with extending +AbstractXmlJobcopyOperation+, overriding the following method:


abstract public Document perform(Document doc, EnvVars env, PrintStream logger);

[[JobcopyBuilderplugin-Usedwithpromotedbuilds]] == Used with promoted builds

When used with[Promoted Builds Plugin], the configurations of promotions are not copied for they are not stored in config.xml. + Do as followings:

  • Click "Advanced" in "copy Job"
  • Add "Additional File Sets", specify "promotions/*/config.xml" in

[[JobcopyBuilderplugin-Permissionstocopyjobs]] == Permissions to copy jobs

  • "Copy Job" build step requires following permissions.

[cols=",,",options="header",] |=== |Target Job |Required permissions |Notes |Item to copy from |Job/Read, Job/ExtendedRead |Job/ExtendedRead is displayed only when you install[Extended Read Permission Plugin]. You can grant it by granting Job/Configure instead.

|Item to copy to (when create) |Job/Create | 

|Item to copy to (when overwrite) |Job/Read, Job/Configure |  |===

[[JobcopyBuilderplugin-Issues]] == Issues

To report a bug or request an enhancement to this plugin please create a ticket in JIRA (you need to login or to sign up for an account). Also have a look on[How to report an issue]
