
build steps to launch and report on mabl tests

MIT License


mabl Jenkins Plugin

This plugin allows easy launching of mabl tests as a step in your Jenkins build. Your Jenkins build outcome will be tied to that of your deployment event.

Plugin Installation

Install the plugin into your Jenkins v2.387.3+ server from the Available Plugins tab by searching for "mabl".


  • Launch mabl tests as a project step
  • Fail your Jenkins build if the mabl tests fail
    • Optionally continue on failure


  • Minimum Jenkins version: 2.387.3
  • Minimum Java runtime version: 11
  • mabl API key

Create a Jenkins credential for the mabl API key

  • Add a new credential accessible to the Jenkins job using the Secret text
    credential kind. The scope of the credential must be Global. The credential
    may be placed in any of the credential domains.
  • Set the secret to to the mabl API key
  • Set the ID of the credential to a value of your choosing

Adding a mabl Project Step

Add a Run mabl tests step to your new or existing project.

Select the API key from the drop-down list. Then select environment, and application from the drop-down. At least one of environment and application must be supplied.  All matching plans and their tests will be run during this step. The step will block until the tests are complete/failed, or one hour has elapsed.

The Advanced... button opens up additional options:

  • Filter by plan labels to run only plans tagged with the selected
    labels. (You can select multiple labels using shift/ctrl click.)
  • Specify the test branch of your mabl tests
  • Continue execution if your plan/tests fail
  • Continue execution if there is an unexpected error in the mabl API
  • Disable SSL verification

Adding a mabl Pipeline Step

In a pipeline step, select 'Configure'. In the pipeline script, insert a pipeline step for mabl. This can be written by hand or created via the 'Pipeline Syntax' tool. The available parameters are:

  • applicationId: Selects the application to run deployments
    against (one of environmentId or applicationId is required)
  • continueOnMablError: Continue if there is an unexpected error in the
    mabl API
  • continueOnPlanFailure: Continue if your plan/tests fail
  • environmentId: Selects the environment to run deployments against
    (one of environmentId or applicationId is required)
  • restApiKeyId: The id of the API key secret of the desired deployment workspace. The id is the value that is assigned in the Jenkins configuration to the corresponding secret. It is not the secret itself.
  • labels: if specified, only plans with (any of the) labels will be triggered.
    If multiple labels are provided, separate them with commas.
  • mablBranch: if specified, then tests from the specified branch will be executed.
    You may also want to use a Jenkins
    environment variable to specify the branch.

Note that if you do not want to specify either the application ID or the environment ID, then use an empty value in the pipeline configuration instead of completely omitting the corresponding configuration attributes.

The following sections shows how to use the integration plugin in either a declarative or in a scripted pipeline.

Declarative Pipeline

mabl applicationId: 'APP-ID-a', continueOnMablError: true, continueOnPlanFailure: true, environmentId: 'ENV-ID-e', restApiKeyId: 'REST-API-KEY-ID'

Scripted Pipeline

node {
  stage('mabl') {
    step([$class: 'MablStepBuilder', restApiKeyId: 'REST-API-KEY-ID', environmentId: 'ENV-ID-e', applicationId: 'APP-ID-a'])

Note that Jenkins pipelines may time out before your tests complete. In this case, adjust or set the timeout option in your pipeline configuration. See the Available Options section on the Jenkins documentation site for more information.

Environment Variable Collection

The mabl plugin will optionally collect build and repository information to send along with mabl deployments. This will give more information and insights into testing environment state for test runs. We will not collect sensitive information such as passwords or API keys.

To enable this feature:

  • Go to the 'Manage Jenkins' page from the 'Dashboard'
  • Go to the 'Configure System' page
  • Find the 'mabl' section and check the 'Send build environment
    variables to mabl' checkbox

Now you will see the environment and build information collected in the output log of future runs that use a mabl plugin step.

Example Variable Collections

Send build environment variables is set. Collecting the following information:
  'GIT_BRANCH' => 'origin/main'
  'GIT_COMMIT' => 'a246e0c756791965bdb6fc9caa1a36775422fcec'
  'GIT_URL' => '[email protected]:example/my_repository.git'
  'GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT' => 'a246e0c73a691935bdb6fc9caa1a36775422fce5'
  'JOB_NAME' => 'mabl integration'
  'BUILD_NUMBER' => '47'

Configuring a proxy

This plugin requires access to resources hosted on the mabl cloud. If your Jenkins instance cannot directly access Internet resources, then you have to configure Jenkins to use a proxy.

  1. Visit the Manage Jenkins and then to the Manage Plugins page
  2. Click on the Advanced tab
  3. Fill out the Server, Port, and - if authentication is needed - the User name and/or Password fields
    that reflect the proxy configuration in your environment

Upgrading from previous versions

Upgrading from pre-0.0.29 versions

Note that the format of the labels configuration setting has changed. When editing an existing job with labels configured, make sure that you update the value to be a comma-separated list of values.

Upgrading from pre-0.0.20 versions

Note that

  • Jenkins versions 1.x are no longer supported
  • Minimum required Java version is Java 11
  • Jobs with mabl steps will have to be manually updated
    1. Create a Secret text kind credential to store the mabl API key. The scope of the credential must be set to Global.
      The credential may be placed in any of the credential domains.
    2. Make sure that you set the ID of the credentials
    3. Update the mabl step in each affected job

Change Log

v0.0.49 (08/20/2024)

  • Update documentation
  • Increased minimum Jenkins version

v0.0.48 (03/13/2024)

  • Fix broken documentation link
  • Fix continueOnPlanFailure

v0.0.47 (07/06/2023)

  • Patched security vulnerabilities
  • Increased minimum Jenkins version

v0.0.46 (11/15/2022)

  • Replace usages of deprecated imports

v0.0.45 (5/18/2022)

  • Updated credentials plugin dependency to address security vulnerability
  • Update README to clarify set up and validation steps

v0.0.44 (12/11/2021)

  • Increased timeout to trigger large deployments
  • Increased timeout for maximum test run duration
  • Updated documentation on increasing default Jenkins pipeline timeout

v0.0.43 (11/30/2021)

  • Updated documentation to clarify how to omit application ID or environment ID from pipelines
  • Updated GSON, SpotBugs and Jenkins Maven HPI plugin dependencies
  • Remove dependence on Jenkins Base64 class

v0.0.42 (10/07/2021)

  • Fixed an issue where the associated test cases IDs were incorrectly recorded in the generated JUnit report
  • Updated WireMock, JUnit, GSON, SpotBugs dependencies
  • Address warnings on new SpotBugs findings

v0.0.40 (07/07/2021)

  • Changed minimum Jenkins version to 2.222.4 (pre-requisite for updating credentials plugin dependency)
  • Updated credentials plugin dependency to address security vulnerability
  • Updated plain-credentials, wiremock dependencies

v0.0.39 (05/25/2021)

  • Increased request timeout for interacting with mabl API
  • Added retry handler for idempotent operations when interacting with mabl API
  • Update components: Wiremock, JUnit5, GSON, Spotbugs, JaCoCo

v0.0.38 (04/01/2021)

  • Added support for running plugin with Java Runtime Environment 11
  • Added GSON library for deserializing from JSON
  • Replaced Jackson with XStream for XML serialization
  • Updated pipeline sample and clarified how to use REST API keys

v0.0.37 (03/29/2021)

  • Added support for using forward proxies for interacting with mabl
  • Updated JUnit, Mockito, JSON, Jackson, Spotbugs dependencies

v0.0.36 (12/23/2020)

  • Updated Apache HTTP client, Mockito, Jackson, Jenkins HPI plugin,
    and Spotbugs dependencies

v0.0.35 (10/06/2020)

  • Updated Wiremock, JUnit, Jackson, Spotbugs and JaCoCo dependencies
  • Added validation for branch field
  • Added trimming whitespaces from labels
  • Removed use of deprecated API endpoint

v0.0.34 (09/04/2020)

  • Set explicit dependency on credentials and plain credentials
    dependency to address incompatibility issue with Jenkins Enterprise

v0.0.32 (08/28/2020)

  • Added JaCoCo test coverage report and checks
  • Updated JUnit, Mockito dependency
  • Added unit test for branching
  • Revised Jenkins BOM dependency for compatibility reasons

v0.0.31 (08/12/2020)

  • Fixed a regression related to default endpoints

v0.0.30 (08/10/2020)

  • Updated JUnit report to include information about test case IDs in
    both the properties section of the TestSuite tag as well as in the non-standard
    properties section of the TestCase tag following the format used by the
    XRay application
  • Updated JUnit report to include information about the number of skipped tests. The report
    file now also includes an empty Skipped element inside the corresponding TestCase-s.
  • Fixed code to properly populate the execution time for tests
  • Updated code to use main instead of master
  • Changed plan label configuration to use a single text box to avoid a problem related to inadvertently
    clearing out existing values on save
  • Updated mockito, wiremock, jackson, maven-hpi-plugin and spotbugs dependencies
  • Enabled using alternate mabl endpoints for internal testing purpose
  • Updated test output to indicate when a plan is retried

v0.0.29 (7 July 2020)

  • Added a configuration option to execute mabl tests in a branch
  • Updated mockito core dependency and marked it for test scope only

v0.0.28 (29 June 2020)

  • Any plan with the retry option enabled used to fail the build when the first attempt failed even when the
    retry succeeded
  • Fixed an issue when a stopped plan run caused a null pointer exception
  • Updated the test output to include a link to the deployment event in the mabl app

v0.0.26 (18 June 2020)

  • Updated Jackson dependencies to 2.11.0

v0.0.25 (15 June 2020)

  • Adjusted labels in configuration
  • Set compatibility version
  • 0.0.24 was never released

v0.0.23 (4 June 2020)

  • Adjusted minimum version to 2.164.3

v0.0.22 (4 June 2020)

  • Fix for a benign exception visible in the Jenkins logs

v0.0.21 (2 June 2020)

  • Raised minimum version to 2.121.3
  • Switched to use Secret text credential kind for storing mabl API key

v0.0.20 (29 May 2020)

  • Moved API key to credentials plugin. Existing users must update their configuration manually.
  • Minimum Java runtime requirement is now Java 7
  • Minimum supported Jenkins version is 1.625.1
  • Fixed incompatibility with Pipeline jobs
  • Replaced FindBugs plugin with SpotBugs

v0.0.19 (3 March 2020)

  • Security fixes for handling API key
  • Fixed POM to use Findbugs version variable
  • Improved the plan label form by displaying the currently configured values

v0.0.18 (4 February 2020)

  • Screenshot and documentation updates
  • Updates to dependencies

v0.0.17 (29 January 2020)

  • API key is now encrypted in configuration file
  • Updated messages to replace journey with test

v0.0.16 (04 October 2019)

  • Fix bug when displaying status for multi-stage plans.

v0.0.15 (05 September 2019)

  • The output of failed run with link is now available

v0.0.13 (30 July 2019)

  • Support for plan label filtering in the mabl build step

v0.0.10 (08 June 2018)

  • The mabl plugin is now available to use a pipeline step
  • Optionally allow mabl to collect environment information to enhance
    deployment journey insights

v0.0.9 (08 June 2018)

  • The output of mabl tests are now available as junit XML in the
    workspace directory for reports and download  

v0.0.8 (18 May 2018)

  • Environment and Application drop downs automatically populated from
    API key

v0.0.7 (17 May 2018)

  • More resilient to failures

v0.0.6 (18 April 2018)

  • Advanced form validation support added

v0.0.5 (13 April 2018)

  • Support for Windows console output and encodings

v0.0.4 (12 April 2018)

  • Initial release

Building from Source

  1. Clone this repo
  2. build with mvn clean package
  3. Copy the plugin in target/mabl-integration.hpi to your Jenkins plugins/ directory
  4. Restart Jenkins

You can also install the .hpi file from the web UI by visting Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manager Plugins > Advanced > Upload Plugin.

Local Development

Jenkins Docker

Overview of how to launch a Jenkins Docker instance with Jenkins, then build the plugin and deploy it that instance.

Note: Please check Jenkins Hub for any specific image version before pulling Jenkins image.

# Launch Jenkins container and automatically pull the image if not present
docker run -d -p 9090:8080 --name=jenkins jenkins/jenkins

# Find initialAdminPassword to unlock Jenkins on a browser at localhost:9090
docker exec -it jenkins bash -c "cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword"

# Setup your Jenkins instance

# Build and deploy plugin to Jenkins (make sure you're in the mabl-integration-plugin directory)
mvn clean package \
  && docker cp target/mabl-integration.hpi jenkins:/var/jenkins_home/plugins/ \
  && docker restart jenkins

Compatibility with Jenkins Enterprise

To ensure compatibility with Jenkins Enterprise, make sure the credentials and plain credentials dependencies are compatible in the minimum version of the enterprise release. Check the plugin list in the CloudBees Jenkins Distribution Release Notes.

You can also test with Jenkins Enterprise using the images published on Docker Hub.

# Launch Jenkins Enterprise container and automatically pull the image if not present
docker run -d -p 9090:8080 --name=jenkins cloudbees/jenkins-enterprise

# Find initialAdminPassword to unlock Jenkins on a browser at localhost:9090
docker exec -it jenkins bash -c "cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword"

# Setup your Jenkins instance

# Build and deploy plugin to Jenkins (make sure you're in the mabl-integration-plugin directory)
mvn clean package \
  && docker cp target/mabl-integration.hpi jenkins:/var/jenkins_home/plugins/ \
  && docker restart jenkins

If the plugin is not loaded due to dependency errors, try restarting Jenkins.

docker restart jenkins

Local Machine

Overview of how to run/debug plugin with Intellij on local machine.

  • Open the project in Intellij

  • Look for Edit Configurations under Run

  • Add Maven template

  • Configure your working directory to point to your project path similarly as the screenshot below: Screenshot

  • Click OK and then run/debug the plugin

  • Wait until you see

      INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running
  • Log into this URL on your web browser


Now you can test your plugin.


Before making a new plugin release, ensure code is in high quality, fully tested state. See extra checks.

  1. Make sure you bump pom.xml version with -SNAPSHOT in your PR before merging to main
  2. Update your ~/.m2/settings.xml according to the Jenkins docs.
  3. Setup and run a GitHub ssh agent.
  4. Run mvn release:prepare release:perform -B from the HEAD of main
  5. Run mvn deploy on success of above step.

Wait ~8 hours for plugin to become GA across all Jenkins instances under the "Available Plugins" listing.

Extracted from project README's
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