
A CLI tool to easily interface with one or many Jenkins servers

GPL-3.0 License


yojenkins is a cross-platform command line interface (CLI) tool to monitor, manage, and deal with Jenkins server. It makes it possible to interact with a Jenkins server without using the browser based Jenkins UI.

This tool is able to be integrated into a script as middleware in order to automate Jenkins related tasks or enable Jenkins configuration as code.

yojenkins will liberate you and your browser from the Jenkins Web UI

With yojenkins you can manage:

  • Authentication: Authentication structure similar to AWS API
  • Server: Create, shutdown, view queue, and more
  • User accounts: Create, delete, add/remove permission, and more
  • Nodes/agents: Create, delete, shut down server, and more
  • Credentials: Create, update, delete, list, and more
  • Folders: Create items, delete items, disable, enable, and more
  • Jobs: Create, delete, trigger, monitor, search, and more
  • Builds: Monitor, abort, tail logs, follow logs, and more
  • Stages: Get info, get logs, view steps, view status
  • Steps: Get info
  • Other tools and functions: Run groovy scripts remotely, run custom REST calls, setup a shared library, view command usage history, and more

For a complete CLI command outline, see section below

📘 Documentation

For all information and documentation, please visit yojenkins.com

🎥 Overview Video

This video presents an overview of yojenkins, while demonstrating a few basic funcitonalities and workflow.

☑️ Project Contact

If you happen to find any issues with this project or think of any features that you want to request, see the following links:

💓 Help this Project

This is a very young project and I am always looking for help in any way. If you like this project, please consider helping.

💔 Similar Projects

If this project is not something you were were looking for, that ok, there are similar projects out there, which each one with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Complete CLI Outline

    |-- account     Manage user accounts
    |     |--- create           Create a user account
    |     |--- delete           Delete a user account
    |     |--- info             Get user information
    |     |--- list             List all users
    |     |--- password-reset   Reset a user password
    |     |--- permission       Add or remove user permission
    |     |--- permission-list  List all available permissions
    |-- auth        Manage authentication and profiles
    |     |--- configure  Configure authentication
    |     |--- show       Show the local credentials profiles
    |     |--- token      Generate authentication API token
    |     |--- user       Show current user information
    |     |--- verify     Check if credentials can authenticate
    |     |--- wipe       Wipe all credentials for this device
    |-- build       Manage builds
    |     |--- abort    Abort build
    |     |--- browser  Open build in web browser
    |     |--- delete   Delete build
    |     |--- diff     Find difference between two builds
    |     |--- info     Build information
    |     |--- logs     Get build logs
    |     |--- monitor  Start monitor UI
    |     |--- rebuild  Rebuild a build with same parameters
    |     |--- stages   Get build stages
    |     |--- status   Build status text/label
    |-- credential  Manage credentials
    |     |--- config        Get credential configuration
    |     |--- create        Create new credentials
    |     |--- delete        Remove credentials
    |     |--- get-template  Cred. type template to create a cred.
    |     |--- info          Credential information
    |     |--- list          List credentials
    |     |--- move          Move a credential to another folder/domain
    |     |--- update        Reconfigure existing credentials
    |-- folder      Manage folders
    |     |--- browser     Open folder in web browser
    |     |--- config      Get folder configuration
    |     |--- copy        Copy an existing item
    |     |--- create      Create an item [folder, view, job]
    |     |--- delete      Delete folder or view
    |     |--- info        Folder information
    |     |--- items       List all items in folder
    |     |--- jobs        List all jobs in folder
    |     |--- search      Search folders by REGEX pattern
    |     |--- subfolders  List all subfolders in folder
    |     |--- views       List all views in folder
    |-- job         Manage jobs
    |     |--- browser       Open job in web browser
    |     |--- build         Build a job
    |     |--- build-exist   Check if build number exists
    |     |--- config        Get job configuration
    |     |--- create        Create a job
    |     |--- delete        Delete job
    |     |--- diff          Find difference between two jobs
    |     |--- disable       Disable job
    |     |--- enable        Enable job
    |     |--- info          Job information
    |     |--- last          Get previous build number
    |     |--- list          List all builds for job
    |     |--- monitor       Start monitor UI
    |     |--- next          Get next build number
    |     |--- queue-cancel  Cancel this job in queue
    |     |--- queue-check   Check if this job is in queue
    |     |--- rename        Rename job
    |     |--- search        Search jobs by REGEX pattern
    |     |--- set           Set the next build number
    |     |--- wipe          Wipe job workspace
    |-- node        Manage nodes
    |     |--- config            Get node configuration
    |     |--- create-ephemeral  Setup a local or remote ephemeral node
    |     |--- create-permanent  Setup a local or remote persistent node
    |     |--- delete            Delete a node
    |     |--- disable           Disable a node
    |     |--- enable            Enable a node
    |     |--- info              Node information
    |     |--- list              List all nodes
    |     |--- logs              Node logs
    |     |--- prepare           Prepare a remote machine to become a node
    |     |--- reconfig          Reconfigure the node
    |     |--- status            Node status
    |-- server      Manage server
    |     |--- browser          Open server home page in web browser
    |     |--- info             Server information
    |     |--- people           Show all people/users on server
    |     |--- plugins          Show plugin information
    |     |--- queue            Show current job build queues on server
    |     |--- quiet            Server quite mode enable/disable
    |     |--- reachable        Check if server is reachable
    |     |--- restart          Restart the server
    |     |--- server-deploy    Create a local development server (Docker)
    |     |--- server-teardown  Remove a local development server
    |     |--- shutdown         Shut down the server
    |-- stage       Manage build stages
    |     |--- info    Stage information
    |     |--- logs    Stage steps
    |     |--- status  Stage status text
    |     |--- steps   Get stage steps
    |-- step        Manage stage steps
    |     |--- info  Step information
    |-- tools       Tools and more
          |--- bug-report        Report a bug
          |--- docs              Open browser to the documentation
          |--- feature-request   Request a feature
          |--- history           Show detailed command usage history
          |--- rest-request      Send a generic Rest request to server
          |--- run-script        Run Groovy script on server, return result
          |--- shared-lib-setup  Set up a Jenkins shared library