
⚡️ A collection of ready-to-use Lightning Web Components that might help your SFDX project

MIT License


⚡️ Awesome LWC Collection

About the project

The repository should provide a collection of ready-to-use Lightning Web Components that might help your SFDX project and is intended to grow over time. Additionally, it also includes an initial configuration of Prettier, linting rules, git hooks and unit tests as well as useful VS Code settings. The setup really focuses on LWC development.

Components available

The following list of components is part of this repo. All components contain corresponding unit tests and docs.

You can also find many more useful and reusable Lightning Web Components in the official lwc-recipes.


To use this library and try out the components in one of your orgs or locally, the Node version specified in the package.json and the latest version of the Salesforce CLI should already be installed.

Getting started

Install all dependencies

To get everything up and runnning, you need to open the repository with VS Code, install all the recommended extensions and run the following command to install all required dependencies:

npm install

Authorize an org

You need to authorize an org before you can push the components or use the local development server. Even for trying the components locally this is necessary because all data requests using Lightning Data Service or Apex will get proxied to the Salesforce org and returned in the local components. In VS Code the authorization can be done by pressing Command + Shift + P, enter "sfdx", and select SFDX: Authorize an Org.

Alternatively you can also run the following command from the command line:

sf org login web

Deploy components to an org

To deploy all components of this project to the currently connected org execute:

sf project deploy start

Install & use the local development server

Lightning Web Components can be viewed and developed locally without the need to push them to an org first. To set up local development you only nedd to install the development server after you authorized an org.

The local development server and its configuration are provided by a Salesforce CLI plugin that can be installed as follows:

sf plugins install @salesforce/lwc-dev-server

To start the server on http://localhost:3333 and access all components of this project run:

npm run server:lwc

Quality measures

Git hooks

The project includes client-side pre-commit git hooks using husky and lint-staged. After installing all project dependencies, Prettier, Linter and unit tests are automatically executed before each commit.

Prettier for code formatting

Run Prettier to check all files for formatting issues:

npm run prettier

Code linting with ESLint

Run ESLint to check for linting issues:

npm run lint

Unit tests with Jest

To execute all unit tests only once run:

npm run test:unit

To execute all unit tests in watch mode for development run:

npm run test:unit:watch

To execute all unit tests with generated code coverage run:

npm run test:unit:coverage

Documentation with JSDoc

To generate code documentation with JSDoc in HTML format run:

npm run docs
Extracted from project README
Quality Gate Status codecov FOSSA Status
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