
Clean architecture starter for React Native with TailwindCSS, Jest, TypeScript. All the tools you need to build your mobile application.



  • ⚡️ Expo 47.0.9
  • ⚛️ React 18.1.0
  • ⛑ TypeScript
  • ✨ TailwindCSS 3.2.4 - CssInJs for component styling
  • ✨ NativeWind 2.0.11 - Suporte by TailwindCSS in ReactNative
  • 📏 TSLint — To find and fix problems in your code
  • 💖 Prettier — Code Formatter for consistent style
  • ⚙️ EditorConfig - Consistent coding styles across editors and IDEs
  • 🗂 Path Mapping — Import components or images using the ~/ prefix
  • ‽ Either Error Handler - For error handling. (Either is designed to hold either a left or a right value but never both).

Quick Start

The best way to start with this template is using create-expo-app.

# npx

npx create-expo-app --template clean-arch-react-native-starter


To start the project locally, run:

  npm start
  yarn start

Open http://localhost:{port} with your browser to see the result or scan qr code or open in device machine.


  • Node.js >= 12.22.0
  • npm our yarn

Directory Structure

  • public — Static assets such as images
  • src — Application source code, including screens, components, scripts.
  • tests — Application test source code.


  • yarn/npm android
  • yarn/npm ios
  • yarn/npm start
  • yarn/npm test
  • yarn/npm test:watch
  • yarn/npm test:ci

Path Mapping

TypeScript are pre-configured with custom path mappings. To import components or files, use the ~/ prefix.

import { Button } from '~/infrastructure/ui/components/button';

// To import images or other files from the public folder
import avatar from '~/public/avatar.png';


MIT © Yazalde Filimone