
Online furniture shop project ๐Ÿ›’


Project Overview

This app is a project for e-commerce furniture store. Made with SSG provides very good User Experience. App includes authentication and logged user can choose from many offers, which are fetched from headless CMS. When you find something not working open an issue or directly make a pull request. Enjoy!

Tech/framework used

Tech Description
Typescript Javascript superset language
React Library for building user interfaces
Next Powerful React Framework
Context API React structure that enables to share data with multiple components
SCSS CSS with superpowers
Styled Components CSS-in-JS styling framework
Firebase Powerful for apps that don't use backend (e. g. for authentication)
React Hook Form Forms with easy-to-use validation
React Select React library for creating beatiful select inputs
Stripe Library for easy payment processing
DatoCMS Complete, user-friendly and performant Headless CMS
Jest Javascript Testing Framework
React Testing Library Useful for testing React components
Cypress Next generation testing tool (I used it for e2e testing)



git clone

npm install

# set up environment variables

npm run start



If you don't want to register but you want to see the app in its full glory, use this data:

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