
A GraphQL blogging API using Prisma, Apollo Client and Node.js.


GraphQL blogging API

A GraphQL blogging API using Prisma, Apollo Client and Node.js.

1) GraphQL Basics

A simple blogging API to understand GraphQL basics.

See graphql-basics folder


  • understanding GraphQL schemas with graphql-yoga.
  • creating a GraphQL server with typeDefs and resolvers.
  • using data types: scalar types, custom types and input type.
  • fetching data with GraphQL queries.
  • working with operation arguments and arrays.
  • defining relationships between Users, Posts and Comments.
  • creating, updating and deleting data with GraphQL mutations.
  • generating unique IDs with uuid.
  • adopting a scalable folder structure.
  • leveraging GraphQL subscriptions to listen to events and publish them.
  • using enums to define a set of constants for events (created, updated, deleted).
  • handling ES6 import/export feature and object spread operator with Babel.

2) GraphQL Prisma

A GraphQL blogging API to understand Prisma 1.

See graphql-prisma folder


  • setting up a PostgreSQL database and a server on Heroku with Prisma Cloud integration.
  • installing pgAdmin to visualize data and exploring the Prisma GraphQL API (directives, create and connect).
  • integrating Prisma into Node.js with prisma-binding and graphql-cli.
  • using prisma-binding and async/await method to perform CRUD operations: query, mutation, exists, subscription.
  • handling deletions with @relation, SET_NULL and CASCADE.
  • integrating operation arguments and refactoring resolvers for queries, mutations and subscriptions.
  • using Node.js as a middleware to protect the GraphQL API.
  • storing passwords with bcryptjs and handling tokens with JWT.
  • making sure the necessary data is always provided with fragments.
  • enabling pagination (first, last, skip, before, after) and sorting (orderBy: field_ASC or field_DESC).
  • synchronizing available sorting operations with prisma-graphql-import.
  • creating 3 project stages with env-cmd and prisma deploy: development, test and production.
  • writing test suites for User, Post and Comment with Jest.
  • seeding the database with test data, cleaning dummy data before each test and handling authentication.
  • using GraphQL variables to avoid duplicate code.
  • setting up Apollo Client to listen to subscriptions.

3) GraphQL Prisma 2

A quick experimentation to understand Prisma 2.

See graphql-prisma2 folder


  • playing with Prisma CLI (init, introspect, generate).
  • connecting to a PostgreSQL database on Heroku.
  • understanding key differences between schema.prisma and GraphQL SDL.
  • updating data model with Prisma migrate.
  • adding data with Prisma studio.
  • fetching data with Prisma client.

4) GraphQL Prisma Next.js Project

An example to understand how to deploy a Next.js website with Prisma client.


  • creating a PostgreSQL database.
  • using Prisma client to handle database operations.
  • serving a REST API with Next.js.
  • creating a Next.js page to interact with the API.

See graphql-prisma-next folder

5) Apollo Client

An example to understand how to fetch data in the browser with Apollo Client.

See apollo-client folder

6) GraphQL Prisma Boilerplate Project

A boilerplate project to create a GraphQL API with Prisma 1.

See graphql-boilerplate folder

Based on The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (with Node.js and Apollo) by Andrew Mead (2018)

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