
Real-world recursion: MongoDB nested query clause addition and removal

MIT License


MongoDB query clause modification

Real-world recursion: MongoDB nested query clause addition and removal

Add an $or query clause to an existing MongoDB query

See the code at ./src/add-or-clause.js.

The parameters are query and orClause.

query is a MongoDB query which might or might not already contain an $or and/or $and clause.

orClause is an object containing and $or clause (it's a fully-fledged MongoDB query in its own right) eg.

const orClause = {
  $or: [
    {createdAt: {$exists: false}},
    {createdAt: someDate}

There is initially just 1 thing to look out for:

  1. the query does not contain an $or clause
  2. the query contains an $or clause

When there's no $or clause in the query

If there is no $or clause, we can simply spread our orClause query and the query parameter, ie.

const newQuery = {

That is unless there's and $and in there somewhere, in which case we want to add our orClause to the $and:

const newQuery = {
  $and: [...query.$and, orClause]

When there's an $or clause in the query

If there is an $or clause, we can't just overwrite it, we need to $and the two $or queries.

We should also keep existing $and clause contents which yields:

const newQuery = {
  $and: [
    ...(query.$and || []),
    { $or: query.$or },

Remove references to a field in an MongoDB query (potentially) using $or and $and

In this case we're creating a function that takes 2 parameters: query (MongoDB query as above) and fieldName (name of the field we want to remove references to).

Remove top-level fields

The simplest thing to do is remove references to the field at the top-level of the object.

We can create a simple omit function using destructuring and recursion

const omit = (obj, [field, ...nextFields]) => {
  const {[field]: ignore,} = obj;
  return nextFields.length > 0 ? omit(rest, nextFields) : rest;

And use it:

const newQuery = omit(query, [fieldName]);

Remove fields in any $or clause

To remove fields in an $or clause (which is a fully-fledged query) is as simple as taking the $or value (which is an array) and running a recursion of the function onto it.

This will remove fields at the top-level of the $or sub-queries and in nest $or fields' sub-queries.

We want to make sure to remove empty $or sub-queries, since { $or: [ { }, {} ]} is an invalid query.

We default the query's $or to an empty array and check length before spreading it back into the newQuery. This is because { $or: [] } is an invalid query.

We're also careful to remove the top-level $or when spreading filteredTopLevel so that if the new $or is an empty array, the old $or is ommitted.

function removeFieldReferences (query, fieldName) {
  const filteredTopLevel = omit(query, [fieldName]);

  const newOr = (filteredTopLevel.$or || [])
    .map(q => removeFieldReferences(q, fieldName))
    .filter(q => Object.keys(q).length > 0);

  return {
    ...omit(filteredTopLevel, ['$or']),
    ...(newOr.length > 0 ? {$or: newOr} : {})

Remove fields in any $and clause

The rationale for the $and solution is the same as for the $or solution.

We recurse and check that we're not generating an invalid query by omitting empty arrays and objects:

function removeFieldReferences (query, fieldName) {
  const filteredTopLevel = omit(query, [fieldName]);

  const newAnd = (filteredTopLevel.$and || [])
    .map(q => removeFieldReferences(q, fieldName))
    .filter(q => Object.keys(q).length > 0);

  return {
    ...omit(filteredTopLevel, ['$and']),
    ...(newAnd.length > 0 ? {$and: newAnd} : {})

Check that we're not likely to bust the stack

The actual implementation has a maxDepth 3rd parameter defaulted to 5.

When maxDepth is equal to 0, we return the query without any treatment (arguably we should run the top-level filter).

On recursive calls to removeFieldReferences we pass (q, fieldName, maxDepth - 1) so that we're not going any deeper than we need to by accident.

This avoids RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.


Tests are in .test.js files co-located with the modules they're testing.

See ./src/add-or-clause.test.js and ./src/remove-field-references.test.js