
A moderately opinionated monorepo template for launching an Expo mobile app and Next website w/ shared code and storybook powered design systems.


Monorepo Template

A moderately opinionated monorepo template for launching an Expo mobile app and Next website w/ shared code and storybook powered design systems.

High-Level Features

  • Expo deployed mobile app
  • NextJS website
  • Client-specific design systems w/ corresponding Storybooks
  • Continuous integration and deployment via GitHub Actions
  • Yarn 2 w/ workspaces
  • TypeScript Project References
  • Linted with ESLint and Prettier
  • Tested with Jest and Testing Library

Repo Structure Breakdown


Applications are clients intended for deployment - not to be imported by other packages/applications.

  • applications/mobile: Expo deployed mobile application.
  • applications/mobile-components-story: Expo deployed application of packages/mobile-components's Storybook.
  • applications/website: Next.js website.


Packages are libraries of code which we can compose to help build our applications.

  • packages/brand: demonstrating client-agnostic shared code.
  • Currently containing a basic colour palette and semantic mapping for a theme.
  • packages/eslint-plugin: our various ESLint configs, kept here to enforce consistency between workspaces.
  • packages/expo-monorepo-config: various utility scripts to make things easier when working with monorepos.
  • packages/jest-config: our various Jest configs, kept here to enforce consistency between workspaces.
  • packages/mobile-components: design system targeting React Native (via Expo).
  • React context provided theme, from packages/brand, via Styled Components.
  • packages/web-components: design system targeting the web/DOM.
  • Includes Storybook for quicker iteration - deployed via Chromatic.
  • React context provided theme, from packages/brand, via Styled Components.
  • Opinionated typography setup.

Getting Started

Below are some fairly loose instructions on where to get started with this template.

Setting Up

  1. Clone/Fork the repo.
  2. Find and Replace @monorepo-template to your chosen name (remember @ prefix).
  3. Install the Node dependencies: yarn install

GitHub Actions

Set the following secrets in your GitHub repository:

  • EXPO_TOKEN: token to authenticate with your Expo organization and projects.
  • EXPO_ORGANIZATION: the Expo organization which your mobile-components and mobile-components-storybook exist on.
  • CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN: your Chromatic project token we deploy your web-components Storybook to.


  • Node package resolution combined with Yarn's hoisting really wrecks havoc on the React Native eco-system. In particular, there are lots of duplicate packages floating round which confuses the runtime.
    • To circumvent this, we modify our Babel and WebPack configs to resolve certain packages in a deterministic manner (see packages/monorepo-helpers/getWorkspaceAliasFixes.js).
      • This means our runtime only uses a single physical copy of these packages.
      • For Babel, we utilise babel-plugin-module-resolver.
      • For WebPack, we utilise config.resolve.alias.
      • The workspace-specific config files for Babel and Webpack can pass extra packages if need be.
    • For unknown reasons Expo is unable to bundle without react-native in the root node_modules. We force this by defining it as a dependency in the root package.json.
    • The Expo WebPack build doesn't seem to like the existence of a babel.config.js - seemingly regardless of content. To bypass this, @monorepo-template/webpack-config-expo intercepts the Babel loader and disables use of the config file. We then reapply babel-preset-expo - as in @expo/webpack-config/webpack/loaders/createBabelLoader.js.
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