
(js13k) Escape from a looping nightmare staying at a haunted hotel.



Escape from a looping nightmare staying at a haunted hotel

Made for the js13k game jam 2024


You checked into the 17th floor of Hotel-13. You noticed that 17/F is actually 13/F if they haven't skipped 4/F, 7/F, 13/F, 14/F, so you couldn't sleep the whole night.

You finally slept, but can you wake up from the nightmare?

Collect clues and deduce the actual 13/F, and/or the skipped floor numbers!


  • Use WASD, ZQSD, or Arrow keys to move.
  • Press Up or Down to take lift.
  • Press Up at the EXIT to attempt exit.
  • Click numbers to jot notes
  • Click notes to change color, click between note items to insert blanks.
  • Click blank notes to delete them.

(Managed to not use road roller, at the cost of no bgm)


How to compress images

in the project directory, run:

npm install
node ./scripts/compress1BitImages.js

Copy the result into imageList.js, decompress with the decompress(imgArrayStr, color) script included in compress1BitImages.js

How to make sfx

  1. Go to
  2. Randomize, generate sfx
  3. Press serialize
  4. Use the following script to convert their format to my format
node .\scripts\convertSound.js



old new
waveType wave_type
attackTime p_env_attack
sustainTime p_env_sustain
sustainPunch p_env_punch
decayTime p_env_decay
startFrequency p_base_freq
minFrequency p_freq_limit
slide p_freq_ramp
deltaSlide p_freq_dramp
vibratoDepth p_vib_strength
vibratoSpeed p_vib_speed
changeAmount p_arp_mod
changeSpeed p_arp_speed
squareDuty p_duty
dutySweep p_duty_ramp
repeatSpeed p_repeat_speed
phaserOffset p_pha_offset
phaserSweep p_pha_ramp
lpFilterCutoff p_lpf_freq
lpFilterCutoffSweep p_lpf_ramp
lpFilterResonance p_lpf_resonance
hpFilterCutoff p_hpf_freq
hpFilterCutoffSweep p_hpf_ramp
masterVolume sound_vol


Milestone 1 (Code)

  • Building generation (cli)
  • Building traversal
    • Rendering
    • Run
    • Dash
    • Doors
    • Ride lift
    • Game Over screen
    • Win screen
  • Clue collection
    • Click clue
    • Render clue
    • Arrange clues
  • Boss chasing, circular corridor
    • Player wrap around
    • Doors wrap around
    • Enemies wrap around
  • Hiding mechanics
  • Enemies, combat
  • Unlockable tools like faster shoes