
MongoEngine JSON Schema Generator

MIT License


JSON Schema Generator for MongoEngine Documents

About the project

What is this and why?

This package provides a mixin class that extends a MongoEngine document's functionality by adding a .json_schema() method and allows generating a JSON schema directly from the document. Generated schema then can be used in API documentation or form validation and automatic form generation on a web application frontend, etc.

Generated schema should be compatible with JSON schema specification version Draft-7 and newer.

Tested on

  • Python 3.10
  • MongoEngine 0.27.0

but should work on Python >= 3.7 and MongoEngine >= 0.20.0 without any problems.


pip install mongoengine-jsonschema

Getting started

Add JsonSchemaMixin to your document class as parent. Resolution order matters, so always place MongoEngine document first.

import mongoengine as me
from mongoengine_jsonschema import JsonSchemaMixin

class Person(me.Document, JsonSchemaMixin):
    name = me.StringField(required=True, min_length=1, max_length=32)
    age = me.IntField(min_value=0)

Then you can generate JSON schema by calling .json_schema() method.


which returns the schema as a Python dictionary

    '$id': '/schemas/Person',
    'title': 'Person',
    'type': 'object',
    'properties': {
        'age': {
            'type': 'integer',
            'title': 'Age',
            'minimum': 0
        'name': {
            'type': 'string',
            'title': 'Name',
            'minLength': 1,
            'maxLength': 32
    'required': ['name'],
    'additionalProperties': False


Check out for a more extensive example.


  • Inheritance is supported. Make sure you add mixin to parent class.
  • additionalProperties is set to False for DynamicDocument and DynamicEmbeddedDocument classes.
  • required keyword can be removed by setting strict argument to False (.json_schema(strict=False)). This is useful for partial validation when updating documents using HTTP PATCH method.
  • Constraints for special StringField types such as EmailField, URLField, UUIDField, DateTimeField etc. are applied to schema using format and/or pattern keywords.
  • Fields derived from GeoJsonBaseField can be validated for both array and object types as supported by MongoEngine.
  • Field arguments/constraints required, min_length, max_length, min_value, max_value, default, choices, regex and url_regex (for URLField) are supported and reflected to schema.
  • Excluding a field from schema is possible with setting field argument exclude_from_schema to True. Example:
    name = me.StringField(exclude_from_schema=True)
  • Auto-generates human-friendly (first-letter capitalized, separate words) title from both document (PascalCase) and field names (snake_case). Keeps uppercase acronyms as is, e.g. page_URL -> Page URL.
  • For ListField types, required=True means it cannot be empty, therefore, schema defines this constraint with minItems keyword.
  • Custom schemas can be defined directly in model class with _JSONSCHEMA class attribute. Setting a _JSONSCHEMA attribute will bypass JSON schema generation.


  • FileField, ImageField fields are not supported
  • PolygonField and MultiPolygonField must start and end at the same point, but this is not enforced by generated schema
  • schemes argument is ignored for URLField
  • domain_whitelist, allow_utf8_user, allow_ip_domain arguments are ignored for EmailField
  • The following fields are defined in schema as strings and may require field specific conversion before assigning to a document's attribute:
    • ObjectIdField
    • BinaryField
    • DateTimeField
    • ComplexDateTimeField
    • DateField
    • ReferenceField
    • LazyReferenceField
    • CachedReferenceField
    • GenericReferenceField
    • GenericLazyReferenceField



Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

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