
Validate HTTP requests and responses against an OpenAPI v3.1 document

OTHER License



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

OpenAPI::Modern - Validate HTTP requests and responses against an OpenAPI v3.1 document

=head1 VERSION

version 0.070


my $openapi = OpenAPI::Modern->new( openapi_uri => '/api', openapi_schema => YAML::PP->new(boolean => 'JSON::PP')->load_string(<<'YAML')); openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: Test API version: 1.2.3 paths: /foo/{foo_id}: parameters: - name: foo_id in: path required: true schema: pattern: ^[a-z]+$ post: operationId: my_foo_request parameters: - name: My-Request-Header in: header required: true schema: pattern: ^[0-9]+$ requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: hello: type: string pattern: ^[0-9]+$ responses: 200: description: success headers: My-Response-Header: required: true schema: pattern: ^[0-9]+$ content: application/json: schema: type: object required: [ status ] properties: status: const: ok YAML

say 'request:'; my $request = POST '/foo/bar', 'My-Request-Header' => '123', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', Host => '', Content => '{"hello": 123}'; my $results = $openapi->validate_request($request); say $results; say ''; # newline say JSON::MaybeXS->new(convert_blessed => 1, canonical => 1, pretty => 1, indent_length => 2)->encode($results);

say 'response:'; my $response = Mojo::Message::Response->new(code => 200, message => 'OK'); $response->headers->content_type('application/json'); $response->headers->header('My-Response-Header', '123'); $response->body('{"status": "ok"}'); $results = $openapi->validate_response($response, { request => $request }); say $results; say ''; # newline say JSON::MaybeXS->new(convert_blessed => 1, canonical => 1, pretty => 1, indent_length => 2)->encode($results);


request: '/request/body/hello': got integer, not string '/request/body': not all properties are valid

{ "errors" : [ { "absoluteKeywordLocation" : "", "error" : "got integer, not string", "instanceLocation" : "/request/body/hello", "keywordLocation" : "/paths/1foo1{foo_id}/post/requestBody/content/application1json/schema/properties/hello/type" }, { "absoluteKeywordLocation" : "", "error" : "not all properties are valid", "instanceLocation" : "/request/body", "keywordLocation" : "/paths/1foo1{foo_id}/post/requestBody/content/application1json/schema/properties" } ], "valid" : false }

response: valid

{ "valid" : true }


This module provides various tools for working with an L<OpenAPI Specification v3.1 document|> within your application. The JSON Schema evaluator is fully specification-compliant; the OpenAPI evaluator aims to be but some features are not yet available. My belief is that missing features are better than features that seem to work but actually cut corners for simplicity.

=for Pod::Coverage BUILDARGS THAW

=for stopwords schemas jsonSchemaDialect metaschema subschema perlish operationId openapi Mojolicious


If construction of the object is not successful, for example the document has a syntax error, the call to C<new()> will throw an exception. Be careful about examining this exception, for it might be a LJSON::Schema::Modern::Result object, which has a boolean overload of false when it contains errors! But you never do C<if ($@) { ... }>, right?

=head2 openapi_uri

The URI that identifies the OpenAPI document. Ignored if L</openapi_document> is provided.

It is used at runtime as the base for absolute URIs used in LJSON::Schema::Modern::Result objects, along with the request's C header and scheme (e.g. C), when available.

=head2 openapi_schema

The data structure describing the OpenAPI v3.1 document (as specified at L Ignored if L</openapi_document> is provided.

=head2 openapi_document

The LJSON::Schema::Modern::Document::OpenAPI document that holds the OpenAPI information to be used for validation. If it is not provided to the constructor, then both L</openapi_uri> and L</openapi_schema> B be provided, and L will also be used if provided.

=head2 evaluator

The LJSON::Schema::Modern object to use for all URI resolution and JSON Schema evaluation. Ignored if L</openapi_document> is provided. Optional.


=head2 openapi_uri

The URI that identifies the OpenAPI document.

=head2 openapi_schema

The data structure describing the OpenAPI document. See L<the specification/>.

=head2 openapi_document

The LJSON::Schema::Modern::Document::OpenAPI document that holds the OpenAPI information to be used for validation.

=head2 document_get

my $parameter_data = $openapi->document_get('/paths/1foo1{foo_id}/get/parameters/0');

Fetches the subschema at the provided JSON pointer. Proxies to LJSON::Schema::Modern::Document::OpenAPI/get. This is not recursive (does not follow C<$ref> chains) -- for that, use C<< $openapi->recursive_get(Mojo::URL->new->fragment($json_pointer)) >>, see L</recursive_get>.

=head2 evaluator

The LJSON::Schema::Modern object to use for all URI resolution and JSON Schema evaluation.

=head2 validate_request

$result = $openapi->validate_request( $request, # optional second argument can contain any combination of: my $options = { path_template => '/foo/{arg1}/bar/{arg2}', operation_id => 'my_operation_id', path_captures => { arg1 => 1, arg2 => 2 }, method => 'get', }, );

Validates an LHTTP::Request, LPlack::Request, LCatalyst::Request or LMojo::Message::Request object against the corresponding OpenAPI v3.1 document, returning a LJSON::Schema::Modern::Result object.

Absolute URIs in the result object are constructed by resolving the openapi document path against the L</openapi_uri>, as well as the C header of the request if a host component is not included in the L</openapi_uri>.

The second argument is an optional hashref that contains extra information about the request, corresponding to the values expected by L</find_path> below. It is populated with some information about the request: save it and pass it to a later L</validate_response> (corresponding to a response for this request) to improve performance.

=head2 validate_response

$result = $openapi->validate_response( $response, { path_template => '/foo/{arg1}/bar/{arg2}', request => $request, }, );

Validates an LHTTP::Response, LPlack::Response, LCatalyst::Response or LMojo::Message::Response object against the corresponding OpenAPI v3.1 document, returning a LJSON::Schema::Modern::Result object.

Absolute URIs in the result object are constructed by resolving the openapi document path against the L</openapi_uri>, as well as the C header of the request if the request is provided and if a host component is not included in the L</openapi_uri>.

The second argument is an optional hashref that contains extra information about the request corresponding to the response, as in L</find_path>.

C is also accepted as a key in the hashref, representing the original request object that corresponds to this response (as not all HTTP libraries link to the request in the response object).

=head2 find_path

$result = $self->find_path($options);

Uses information in the request to determine the relevant parts of the OpenAPI specification. C should be provided if available, but additional data can be used instead (which is populated by earlier L</validate_request> or L</find_path> calls to the same request).

The single argument is a hashref that contains information about the request. Possible values include:

=over 4

=item *

C: the object representing the HTTP request. Should be provided when available.

=item *

C<path_template>: a string representing the request URI, with placeholders in braces (e.g. C</pets/{petId}>); see L

=item *

C<operation_id>: a string corresponding to the L<operationId|> at a particular path-template and HTTP location under C

=item *

C<path_captures>: a hashref mapping placeholders in the path to their actual values in the request URI

=item *

C: the HTTP method used by the request (used case-insensitively)


All of these values are optional (unless C is omitted), and will be derived from the request URI as needed (albeit less efficiently than if they were provided). All passed-in values MUST be consistent with each other and the request URI.

When successful, the options hash will be populated with keys C<path_template>, C<path_captures>, C, and C<operation_id>, and the return value is true. When not successful, the options hash will be populated with key C, an arrayref containing a LJSON::Schema::Modern::Error object, and the return value is false. Other values may also be populated if they can be successfully calculated.

In addition, these values are populated in the options hash (when available):

=over 4

=item *

C<operation_uri>: a URI indicating the document location of the operation object for the request, after following any references (usually something under C</paths/>, but may be in another document). Use C<< $openapi->evaluator->get($uri) >> to fetch this content (see LJSON::Schema::Modern/get). Note that this is the same as C<< $openapi->recursive_get(Mojo::URL->new->fragment(JSON::Schema::Modern::Utilities::jsonp('/paths', $options->{path_template}{$options->{method}}))) >>. (See the documentation for an operation at L or in the specification at L<§4.8.10 of the specification|>.)

=item *

C (not necessarily what was passed in: this is always a LMojo::Message::Request)


You can find the associated operation object by using either C<operation_uri>, or by calling C<< $openapi->openapi_document->get_operationId_path($operation_id) >> (see LJSON::Schema::Modern::Document::OpenAPI/get_operationId_path) (note that the latter will be removed in a subsequent release, in order to support operations existing in other documents).

Note that the L<C|> section of the OpenAPI document is not used for path matching at this time, for either scheme and host matching nor path prefixes. For now, if you use a path prefix in C entries you will need to add this to the path templates under /paths.

=head2 recursive_get

Given a uri or uri-reference, get the definition at that location, following any C<$ref>s along the way. Include the expected definition type (one of C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, or C) for validation of the entire reference chain.

Returns the data in scalar context, or a tuple of the data and the canonical URI of the referenced location in list context.

If the provided location is relative, the main openapi document is used for the base URI. If you have a local json pointer you want to resolve, you can turn it into a uri-reference by prepending C<#>.

my $schema = $openapi->recursive_get('#/components/parameters/Content-Encoding', 'parameter');

starts with a JSON::Schema::Modern object (TODO)

my $schema = $js->recursive_get('https:///openapi_doc.yaml#/components/schemas/my_object') my $schema = $js->recursive_get('https://localhost:1234/my_spec#/$defs/my_object')

=head2 canonical_uri

An accessor that delegates to LJSON::Schema::Modern::Document/canonical_uri.

=head2 schema

An accessor that delegates to LJSON::Schema::Modern::Document/schema.

=head2 get_media_type

An accessor that delegates to LJSON::Schema::Modern/get_media_type.

=head2 add_media_type

A setter that delegates to LJSON::Schema::Modern/add_media_type.

=head1 CACHING

=for stopwords preforking

Very large OpenAPI documents may take a noticeable time to be loaded and parsed. You can reduce the impact to your preforking application by loading all necessary documents at startup, and impact can be further reduced by saving objects to cache and then reloading them (perhaps by using a timestamp or checksum to determine if a fresh reload is needed).

sub get_openapi (...) { my $serialized_file = Path::Tiny::path($serialized_filename); my $openapi_file = Path::Tiny::path($openapi_filename); my $openapi; if ($serialized_file->stat->mtime < $openapi_file->stat->mtime)) { $openapi = OpenAPI::Modern->new( openapi_uri => '/api', openapi_schema => decode_json($openapi_file->slurp_raw), # your openapi document ); $openapi->evaluator->add_schema(decode_json(...)); # any other needed schemas my $frozen = Sereal::Encoder->new({ freeze_callbacks => 1 })->encode($openapi); $serialized_file->spew_raw($frozen); } else { my $frozen = $serialized_file->slurp_raw; $openapi = Sereal::Decoder->new->decode($frozen); }

# add custom format validations, media types and encodings here

return $openapi;


See also LJSON::Schema::Modern/CACHING.


Embedded JSON Schemas, through the use of the C keyword, are fully draft2020-12-compliant, as per the spec, and implemented with LJSON::Schema::Modern. Unless overridden with the use of the L<jsonSchemaDialect|> keyword, their metaschema is L, which allows for use of the OpenAPI-specific keywords (C, C, C, and C), as defined in L<the specification/>. Format validation is turned B, and the use of content* keywords is off (see LJSON::Schema::Modern/validate_content_schemas).

References (with the C<$ref>) keyword may reference any position within the entire OpenAPI document; as such, json pointers are relative to the B of the document, not the root of the subschema itself. References to other documents are also permitted, provided those documents have been loaded into the evaluator in advance (see LJSON::Schema::Modern/add_schema).

Values are generally treated as strings for the purpose of schema evaluation. However, if the top level of the schema contains C<"type": "number"> or C<"type": "integer">, then the value will be (attempted to be) coerced into a number before being passed to the JSON Schema evaluator. Type coercion will B be done if the C keyword is omitted. This lets you use numeric keywords such as C and C in your schemas. It also resolves inconsistencies that can arise when request and response objects are created manually in a test environment (as opposed to being parsed from incoming network traffic) and can therefore inadvertently contain perlish numbers rather than strings.


All message validation is done using L objects (LMojo::Message::Request and LMojo::Message::Response). If messages of other types are passed, conversion is done on a best-effort basis, but since different implementations have different levels of adherence to the RFC specs, some validation errors may occur e.g. if a certain required header is missing on the original. For best results in validating real messages from the network, parse them directly into Mojolicious messages (see LMojo::Message/parse).

Only certain permutations of OpenAPI documents are supported at this time:

=over 4

=item *

for path parameters, only C<style: simple> and C<explode: false> is supported

=item *

for query parameters, only C<style: form> and C<explode: true> is supported, only the first value of each parameter name is considered, and C and C are not checked

=item *

cookie parameters are not checked at all yet

=item *

C<application/x-www-form-urlencoded> and C<multipart/*> messages are not yet supported

=item *

C fields in definitions are completely ignored, and not considered when parsing request URIs.

=item *

OpenAPI descriptions must be contained in a single document; C<$ref>erences to other documents are not fully supported at this time.

=item *

The use of C<$ref> within a path-item object is not permitted.

=item *

Security schemes in the OpenAPI description, and the use of any C headers in requests, are not currently supported.


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

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=head1 SUPPORT

Bugs may be submitted through L

I am also usually active on irc, as 'ether' at C<> and C<>.

=for stopwords OpenAPI

You can also find me on the L<JSON Schema Slack server|> and L<OpenAPI Slack server|>, which are also great resources for finding help.

=head1 AUTHOR

Karen Etheridge [email protected]


This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Karen Etheridge.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

Some schema files have their own licence, in share/oas/LICENSE.
