
Script for simplifying the process of translating MineOS Language (.lang) files

GPL-3.0 License



Script for simplifying the process of translating Language (.lang) files

Supports MineOS lang files, which is the main purpose of this project's existence


pip install git+https://github.com/CoolCat467/Localization-Translation-Utility.git


WARNING: Creating hundreds of new files takes up a lot of space on your computer! This program may require more than 3.5 MB to store the new localizations alone!

> mineos_translate
usage: mineos_translate [-h] [-V] [-u | -b | -l] [-f FILENAME] [-k KEY]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -u, --unhandled       Translate unhandled languages
  -b, --broken          Translate broken values
  -l, --lolcat          Translate to lolcat

  -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
  -k KEY, --key KEY

When run with any valid option, program will download Installer/Files.cfg from MineOS repo, save downloaded files to mineos_cache folder it creates in the current working directory, and save translated results in mineos_upload folder it creates in the current working directory.

Unhandled mode

For every language code in languages.py (from https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/blob/master/googletrans/constants.py) it will use google translate with different user agents from agents.py (from https://github.com/Animenosekai/useragents/blob/main/pyuseragents/data/list.py) to translate the English localization to that language and save the new file in the mineos_upload folder it creates.

Broken mode

For all existing localization files, if the value is identical to the value the English localization uses, translate the value from the English localization to that language using google translate and save new file in the mineos_upload folder it creates.

Lolcat mode

For all localization directories, if an English localization exists and there is not a Lolcat translation, use web scraper to talk to funtranslations.com/lolcat and translate the English localization to Lolcat and save new file in the mineos_upload folder the program creates.

Translating a new key for a specific program

Pass the filename and key parameters and the program will get the English localization of the program specified by the folder given as the filename input and will use google translate to translate the localization key specified by the key parameter. New files saved in the mineos_upload folder the program creates.

General code layout:

cli.py is the command line interface handler.

mineos_auto_trans.py is the glue holding everything together.

convert.py handles making MineOS .lang and .cfg files json-parsable and translating entire files at once.

translate.py handles talking to Google Translate

extricate.py (name means taking apart and putting back together) is used by the translation module to split dictionaries into a keys list and a values list so it can translate all the values and then rebuild the dictionary by re-combining the keys list and the new translated values list.

agents.py from https://github.com/Animenosekai/useragents/blob/main/pyuseragents/data/list.py is by Anime no Sekai and has a ton of random user agents to use so Google Translate doesn't get suspicious of us sending tens of thousands of requests without an API key

languages.py from https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/blob/master/googletrans/constants.py is by ssut and has a giant dictionary of language names matched with ISO 639-1:2002 language codes

Extracted from project README
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