
The OpenAPI-Router is a "Contract-First" http-Router for Go applications, specifically designed for JSON-based REST-Services.

MIT License



The OpenAPI-Router is a "Contract-First" http-Router, specifically designed for JSON-based REST-Services. It takes an OpenAPI schema as input to create the router. The router validates requests and maps them to their handler method using kin-openapi. Additionally, the router simplifies request writing and error handling for JSON-based REST-Services.


  • HTTP-Router with automatic OpenAPI validation
  • Implementation http.Handler to be compatible with existing HTTP libraries
  • Automatic response writing of JSON or plain-text responses
  • ErrorMapper to write helpful responses based on the type of error

How to use


go get

Creating the router

In order to create the router, a file with the OpenAPI specification is needed. The file can be in JSON or YAML format. The router is created using the following NewRouter function with the path of the OpenAPI file.

Handler function

To enable the automatic response writing and error mapping, a custom handler function different from the standard http.HandlerFunc is used for the implementation of endpoints. The following function signature is used:

func(request *http.Request, pathParamerters map[string]string) (*openapirouter.Response, error)

The parameters are:

  • request: The pointer to the http.Request as in the standard http.HandlerFunc. It can be used to extract the
    request body, the headers or query parameters.
  • pathParameters: A map of the path parameters which are extracted for validation and are populated to the request,
    so they don't need to be extracted manually for the URL.
  • Response: A struct to depict the response to be returned. It is used to set the response body, the status and the
    response headers.
  • error: Standard Go error to indicate that an error occurred.

The AddRequestHandler function of the router is used to add a function for a specific path and method to the router.

If an endpoint defines a security requirement, AddRequestHandlerWithAuthFunc must be used in order to enable the router to check if the user is authorized to access the endpoint. Using the openapi3filter.NoopAuthenticationFunc as authFunc will grant access for any request without further checks.

Error handling

If the handler function returns an error, it will be mapped to a corresponding response. Therefore, a custom HTTPError is used and returned as a JSON response. It contains the following fields:

type HTTPError struct {
	// HTTP status code to return
	StatusCode int
	// URL to describe the response code
	Type       string
	// name of the response
	Title      string
	// additional details for the error, e.g. what went wrong
	Details    []string  

If an HTTPError is returned by the handler function, it will be mapped to a corresponding response by default. The NewError function is used to create such an error for a status code with any number of details.

It is also possible to map any other error produced by the handler function to a response. Unknown errors are mapped to an Internal Server Error by default. In order to create a different response, the error needs to be added to the routers' error mapper by using the AddErrorMapping function to define the HTTPError it should be mapped to.

Full Example

package main

import (

// Struct for the data to be returned
type MyOutputData struct {
	Data string `json:"data"`

// Custom error to be mapped by error mapper
type MyCustomError struct {

func (e *MyCustomError) Error() string {
	return "oops"

// Example function which can produce an error
func GetDataForClient(client string) (*MyOutputData, error) {
	var data *MyOutputData
	var success bool
	// ...
	if success {
		return data, nil
	} else {
		return nil, &MyCustomError{}

// HandlerFunction to assign to an endpoint
func HandleRequest(_ *http.Request, pathParams map[string]string) (*openapirouter.Response, error) {
	// Extract path parameter
	client := pathParams["client"]
	if client == "unknown" {
		// Return HttpError which is mapped automatically
		return nil, openapirouter.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, "unknown client must not receive data")
	data, err := GetDataForClient(client)
	if err != nil {
		// Return custom error to be mapped
		return nil, err
	// Return response to be written
	return &openapirouter.Response{
		StatusCode: http.StatusOK,
		Body:       data,
	}, nil


func main() {
	router, err := openapirouter.NewRouter("./test-api.yaml")
	if err != nil {
		// Could not read file
	// Add implementation for endpoint specified in OpenAPI specification
	// Use router.AddRequestHandlerWithAuthFunc if the endpoint defines security requirements
	router.AddRequestHandler(http.MethodGet, "/test/{client}", HandleRequest)
	// Add error mapping for MyCustomError
	router.AddErrorMapping(&MyCustomError{}, http.StatusBadGateway, "could not load data")
	// use router
	_ = http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router)


Contributions are welcome. You can:

  • Submit bugs and feature requests as issues
  • Review code and let us know what we can do better
  • Submit PullRequests for code or documentation changes or additions