
JSON Validator for TypeScript - Safer JSON.parse() validating by TypeScript types

MIT License



Safer JSON.parse() validating by TypeScript types

Write a format of JSON once, Derive the type automatically at compile-time.


npm install -S git+https://github.com/nwtgck/ts-json-validator#v0.1.2

Basic Usage

import {nul, bool, num, str, literal, opt, arr, tuple, obj, union, TsType, validatingParse} from 'ts-json-validator';

// Create a format
const personFormat = obj({
  name: str,
  age: num

// Generate Person type
// IMPORTANT: Type is derived at compile-time. Just a write format once!
type Person = TsType<typeof personFormat>;

// Safer parse than JSON.parse()
const p1: Person | undefined = validatingParse(personFormat, '{"name": "jack", "age": 8}');
const myObj: {[key: string]: any} = {name: "jack", age: 8};
const p2: Person | undefined = validate(personFormat, myObj);
// => not undefined
const myObj2: any = {name: "jack", age: "this is a text"};
isValid(personFormat.runtimeType, myObj2);
// => false (because type of age should be number)

Core feature

The main feature is that type Person is automatically derived. So you just define the format/structure object of JSON such as personFormat. Then you can get a type for free.

Usage of Array, nested objects, Literal Types, Union Types and Tuples

import {nul, bool, num, str, literal, opt, arr, tuple, obj, union, TsType, validatingParse} from 'ts-json-validator';

// Create a format
const myObj1Format = obj({
  // String array - string[]
  myStrs: arr(str),
  // Nested object - (myFlag: boolean)
  myObj: obj({
    myFlag: bool
  // Union Type - string | number | bool
  strOrNumOrBool: union(str, num, bool),
  // Object array - {prop1: number, prop2: string}[]
  myObjs: arr(obj({
    prop1: num,
    prop2: str
  // Optional property(myOptional?: number)
  myOptional: opt(num),
  // Literal Type - (myLiteral: 'MY_LITERAL')
  myLiteral: literal('MY_LITERAL' as const),
  // Literal Union Type - ('red' | 'blue')
  myLitUnion: union(literal('red' as const), literal('blue' as const)),
  // Nullable - (string | null)
  myNullable: union(str, nul),
  // Tuple - [string, boolean, number]
  myTuple: tuple(str, bool, num),

// Generate MyObj1 type
// IMPORTANT: Type is derived at compile-time. Just write a format once!
type MyObj1 = TsType<typeof myObj1Format>;

In Union Type, T1 | T2 | ... | T64 is supported. In tuple, [T1, T2, ..., T64] is supported.


You can find errors at compile-time, not runtime!

Wrong type in the array

myStrs should be an string array, but 128 is included.

Missing property

myStrs is required, but missing.

Wrong Literal Type

myLiteral should be 'MY_LITERAL' type, but found 'YOUR LITERAL'

Unknown property

Property somethingElse is not defined in myObj1Format.