
JSX adaptation as a template system for non-React projects

MIT License



JSX adaptation as a template system for non-React projects. Allowing to use JSX as a template everywhere adopting IDE's JSX highlight and formatting features.


Transforming JSX:

class MyElement {
    render() {
        let title = "Hello World!";
        return <div>{title}</div>;

Into this:

class MyElement {
    render() {
        let title = "Hello World!";
        return `<div>${title}</div>`;

Also by default transforms JSX html attributes:

class MyElement {
    render() {
        let myClass = "action";
        return <label className={myClass} htmlFor="button"></label>;

Into regular html:

class MyElement {
    render() {
        let myClass = "action";
        return `<label class="${myClass}" for="button"></label>`;

Quick start

npm i stringify-jsx
stringifyJsx('let title = "Hello World!";let html = <div>{title}</div>;').code
// let title = "Hello World!";let html = `<div>${title}</div>`;

Usage examples


stringifyJsx('<div></div>', {
    // Preserve whitespaces between tags, default => false
    preserveWhitespace: false,
    // Custom attributes replacement functionality 
    customAttributeReplacements: {},
    customAttributeReplacementFn: void 0
}, { /* babel options */ })

Read more about babel configuration.

Custom attributes replacement

Pass customAttributeReplacements or customAttributeReplacementFn to options to adjust replacements. If customAttributeReplacementFn is passed customAttributeReplacements is ignored.


stringifyJsx('<div className="myClass" value="hello world!"></div>', {
    customAttributeReplacements: {
        'value': 'data-value'
// `<div class="myClass" data-value="hello world!"></div>`;


stringifyJsx('<div className="myClass" value="hello world!"></div>', {
    customAttributeReplacementFn: (nodePath, defaultReplacement) => {
        if (defaultReplacement) {
            return defaultReplacement;
        return 'x-' +;
// `<div class="myClass" x-value="hello world!"></div>`

nodePath is a @babel/traverse's path. defaultReplacement is a default transformation (such as className => class, htmlFor => html).

Source maps

Code and source maps are being generated by @babel/generator. By default source map generation is turned off, to turn it on additional option should be provided:

stringifyJsx('let title = "Hello World!";let html = <div>{title}</div>;', {}, {
    sourceMaps: 'inline'
// let title = "Hello World!";
// let html = `<div>${title}</div>`;
// //# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbInVua25vd24iXSwibmFtZXMiOlsidGl0bGUiLCJodG1sIl0sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQSxJQUFJQSxLQUFLLEdBQUcsY0FBWjtBQUEyQixJQUFJQyxJQUFJLHdCQUFSIiwic291cmNlc0NvbnRlbnQiOlsibGV0IHRpdGxlID0gXCJIZWxsbyBXb3JsZCFcIjtsZXQgaHRtbCA9IDxkaXY+e3RpdGxlfTwvZGl2PjsiXX0=

Tagged templates ambiguity

To provide an ability to use stringify-jsx with tagged template literals (and build upon it libraries like lit-html) all function calls that contain JSX markup as argument are being transformed into tagged template literals.

This call:

html(<div>JSX Markup!</div>);

Will be transformed to:

html`<div>JSX Markup!</div>`; 

If it's necessary to pass string transformed from JSX as function argument - assign JSX to a variable first:

const markup = <div>JSX Markup!</div>;

So function call in resulting code will remain unchanged:

const markup = `<div>JSX Markup!</div>`;


Due to support of tagged template literals and custom attribute replacements this tool can be used together with lit-html. Explore example project for more information.


  • Does not modify self-closing tags

Babel plugin

The core of stringify-jsx was moved to babel-plugin-transform-stringify-jsx. If inline usage is not necessary please consider using combination babel + babel-plugin-transform-stringify-jsx. Explore example project.

Other plugins


  • Babel plugin
  • Tests (babel-plugin contains core so tests are located there)
  • Typescript