
Do you know where you are? Now you do!

MIT License



ContextTracking is used to keep track of execution context. The context data is kept in a stack data structure. When a function is called, the context is saved. When the function exits, the context is restored. User can make changes to the context during execution, and the data is visible to both the current and deeper stack frames.

The usage is embarassingly simple:

  1. Annotate functions with @ctx macro
  2. Attach context data using the @memo macro
  3. Access context data anywhere using the context function


Suppose that we are processing a web request. We may want to create a correlation id to keep track of the request and include the request id whenever we write anything to the log file during any part of the processing of that request.

It may seems somewhat redundant to log the same data multiple times but it is invaluable in debugging production problems. Imagine that two users are hitting the same web service at the same time. If we look at the log file, everything could be interleaving and it would be quite confusing without the context.

As context data is stored in a stack structure, you naturally gain more "knowledge" when going deeper into the execution stack. Then, you naturally "forget" about those details when the execution stack unwinds. With this design, you can just memoize the most valuable knowledge needed in the log file.


using ContextTracking

@ctx function foo()
    @memo x = 1

@ctx function bar()
    c = context()
    @info "context data"


julia> foo()
┌ Info: context data
│ =
│    Dict{Any,Any} with 2 entries:
└      :x             => 1

Working with the Context object

The context function returns a Context object with the following properties:

  • id: context id, which is unique per task/thread
  • data: the data being tracked by the context. By default, it is a Dict.
  • path: the call path, an array of function names as recorded by @ctx
  • generations: number of context levels in the stack
  • hex_id: same as id, represented as a hexadecimal string
julia> @ctx function foo()
           @memo x = 1
           c = context()
           @show c.path
           return nothing

julia> foo() = 0x010000011a80f610
c.path = [:foo] = Dict{Any,Any}(:x => 1)

How does @ctx macro work?

By annotating a function with @ctx macro, the function body is wrapped by code that saves and restores context. Consider the following example:

@ctx function foo()
    @info "Inside Foo"

It would be translated to something like this:

function foo()
        # << inserted code to save context >>
        @info "Your code inside Foo"
        # << inserted code to restore context >>

The purpose of the save/restore operation is to guarantee that context data is visible only during the current execution chain - inside the current function or any subsequent functions being called from here.

How does @memo macro work?

The @memo macro is used to assign data to the current context. Consider the following example:

@memo x = 1

It would be translated to something like:

val = (x = 1)
push!(ContextTracking.context(), :x => val)

It is highly recommended that you only use @memo in functions that are annotated with @ctx macro. Failing to do so would leak your data to the parent function's context, which is usually not a desirable effect.

Is it thread-safe?

The context() function always returns a Context object that is unique by thread / async task. Therefore, the context data is managed properly even when you run your program using multiple threads or with @async.

For example, if you run the program with 4 threads, then context() would return a separate context when it is called from the individual threads. Likewise for async tasks.

julia> using Base.Threads

julia> Threads.nthreads()

julia> Threads.@threads for i in 1:4
           println("Thread ", threadid(), " has context ", context().hex_id)
Thread 3 has context 0x30000011092bcd0
Thread 2 has context 0x20000011092ba90
Thread 1 has context 0x10000011092b850
Thread 4 has context 0x40000011098c010

What if I don't want to use Dict for storing my context?

The Context type allows you to use a different container type if you want to use something different. The only requirement is that the container type must implement the following functions:

Base.push!       # accepting Pair{Symbol,Any}
Base.getindex    # retrieving context value by Symbol

Related Projects

One can probably achieve similar result using Cassette.jl.