
Get environment variables from .env files in your Julia projects.

MIT License


#+title: DotEnv.jl #+author: tecosaur

#+html: #+html:

DotEnv.jl is a lightweight package that loads environment variables from =.env= files into [[][=ENV=]]. Storing configuration in the environment is based on [[][The Twelve-Factor App]] methodology.

Please don't store secrets in dotenv files, and if you must at least ensure the dotenv file(s) are listed in =.gitignore=.

  • Usage

#+begin_src julia using DotEnv DotEnv.load!() #+end_src

Create a =.env= file in your project. You can add environment-specific variables using the rule =NAME=VALUE=. For example:

#+begin_src conf #.env file DB_HOST= DB_USER=john DB_PASS=42 #+end_src

When DotEnv.load!() is called, all variables declared in the =.env= file that are not already present in =ENV= are loaded into it.

#+begin_src julia julia> ENV["DB_PASS"] "42" #+end_src

To load variables from dotenv files even when they are already present in the environment dictionary, pass =override = true= to DotEnv.load!.

  • Unloading environment changes

DotEnv.unload!() will reverse the changes of DotEnv.load!().

This works even when the environment is modified incrementally (i.e. loading files one at a time).

  • Read a dotenv file

config reads a dotenv file, parse the content, applies variable expansion, but does not modify the base environment dictionary.

#+begin_src julia julia> using DotEnv

julia> cfg = DotEnv.config() # defaults to reading .env DotEnv.EnvOverlay{Base.EnvDict} with 3 entries: "DB_PASS" => "42" "DB_HOST" => "" "DB_USER" => "john" #+end_src

  • Parsing

DotEnv.parse accepts a String or an IOBuffer (Any value that can be converted into String), and it will return a Dict with the parsed keys and values.

#+begin_src julia julia> using DotEnv

julia> DotEnv.parse("FOO=bar\nBAR=baz") Dict{String, String} with 2 entries: "FOO" => "bar" "BAR" => "baz" #+end_src

** Parsing Rules

  1. Leading whitespace is ignored
  2. Empty lines, and lines starting with =#= are skipped
  3. =export= prefixes are ignored (e.g. =export FOO=bar=)
  4. Empty assignments are regarded as the empty string(=EMPTY== becomes "EMPTY" => "")
  5. Keys and values are separated by === or =:=, and any amount of whitespace
  6. All values are strings, but can be quoted with single (='=) or double quotes (="=)
  7. Quotes of the same type may occur within quoted values, but must be escaped with ==
  8. Inline comments are started with a =#= outside of a quoted value
  9. Inside double quoted values, =\n= newlines are expanded, allowing for multiline values
  10. Extra spaces are removed from both ends of an unquoted value (e.g. =FOO= some
    value = becomes "FOO" => "some value")
  11. Variable expansion occurs within unquoted and double-quoted values. =$NAME=,
    =${NAME}=, and =${NAME:-default}= expansions are all supported.
  12. Malformed lines are silently skipped