
A neovim config for the curious.

MIT License


NOTE: Screenshots may not be the same as the current configuration. Please be aware.

Moved to Codeberg

This configuration is more focused for Julia users. But it can still be modified to be used for other languages. I am planning to add that functionality soon but it is not a priority as of yet. Feel free to fork! 😃


  • neovim 0.7.0+ (recommended)
  • git
  • treesitter
  • kitty or tmux (either one of the two or both)
  • yarn and npm
  • julia (for julians)
  • rust-analyzer (for rustaceans)
  • cargo (for rustaceans)
  • Install Julia Mono font (optional)

For Julia users

Run the following inside your shell:

julia --project=@nvim-lspconfig -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add(["LanguageServer", "PackageCompiler"]); using PackageCompiler; create_sysimage(:LanguageServer, sysimage_path=dirname(Pkg.Types.Context().env.project_file) * "/")'

Using latest master for LanguageServer.jl:

julia --project=@nvim-lspconfig -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("PackageCompiler"); Pkg.add(url="", rev="master"); using PackageCompiler; create_sysimage(:LanguageServer, sysimage_path=dirname(Pkg.Types.Context().env.project_file) * "/")'


There is already a bootstrap script for this configuration, specifically in packer_init.lua. It is not perfect so I suggest read the config and copy/remove some stuff that you do not need and make your own bootstrap script that works for you. Otherwise, good for you I guess?


Just refer here


  • switch to neo-tree.nvim as file explorer
  • Separate lsp configs? (Not sure about this approach)
  • Replace packer with dep? Fixed with
  • Write the keymaps in a doc file or something (In progress)
  • Add haskell and ghci (Adding a new slime command)
  • Add python repl support (Adding a new slime command)
  • make markdown preview dynamic with flatpak installed browser or installed
    from a distro's package manager? (Hmmm. Use xdg-open instead to respect user defaults. For macOS and windows users,
    you have to edit that file i guess 🥴)
  • Replace dashboard-nvim with alpha-nvim (seems glepnir is MIA, i hope
    glepnir is fine)
  • Configure vim-slime to add neovim panes for MS Windows (Windows is kinda annoying to use with vim-slime with
    neovim panes. It works but I rather use WSL)
  • Replaced nvim-whichkey lua with folke's which-key.nvim
  • Reconfigure completions based on filetype e.g. Julia should have only cmp-latex cmp-vsnip, and cmp-emoji
  • Add neovim terminal support for repls. e.g. useful for gui or neovide users
  • make saner keymappings but idk if mine is already sane lol
  • add nvim-dap configurations. not a priority for now. if someone is able to help, pls do open a pr. i dont need it at this moment lolz
  • switch to Fennel with aniseed plugin
  • Replace hop.nvim with leap.nvim
  • Replace packer with lazy.nvim