
Calling Go Functions from Other Languages using C Shared Libraries

MIT License


Calling Go Functions from Other Languages using C Shared Libraries

This respository contains source examples for the article Calling Go Functions from Other Languages (medium.com). Using the -buildmode=c-shared build flag, the compiler outputs a standard shared object binary file (.so) exposing Go functions as a C-style APIs. This lets programmers create Go libraries that can be called from other languages including C, Python, Ruby, Node, and Java (see contributed example for Lua) as done in this repository.

The Go Code

First, let us write the Go code. Assume that we have written an awesome Go library that we want to make available to other languages. There are four requirements to follow before compiling the code into a shared library:

  • The package must be amain package. The compiler will build the package and all of its dependencies into a single shared object binary.
  • The source must import the pseudo-package “C”.
  • Use the //export comment to annotate functions you wish to make accessible to other languages.
  • An empty main function must be declared.

The following Go source exports four functions Add, Cosine, Sort, and Log. Admittedly, the awesome library is not that impressive. However, its diverse function signatures will help us explore type mapping implications.

File awesome.go

package main

import "C"

import (

var count int
var mtx sync.Mutex

//export Add
func Add(a, b int) int {
	return a + b

//export Cosine
func Cosine(x float64) float64 {
	return math.Cos(x)

//export Sort
func Sort(vals []int) {

//export Log
func Log(msg string) int {
	defer mtx.Unlock()
	return count

func main() {}

The package is compiled using the -buildmode=c-shared build flag to create the shared object binary:

go build -o awesome.so -buildmode=c-shared awesome.go

Upon completion, the compiler outputs two files: awesome.h, a C header file and awesome.so, the shared object file, shown below:

-rw-rw-r —    1362 Feb 11 07:59 awesome.h
-rw-rw-r — 1997880 Feb 11 07:59 awesome.so

Notice that the .so file is around 2 Mb, relatively large for such a small library. This is because the entire Go runtime machinery and dependent packages are crammed into a single shared object binary (similar to compiling a single static executable binary).

The header file

The header file defines C types mapped to Go compatible types using cgo semantics.

/* Created by “go tool cgo” — DO NOT EDIT. */
typedef signed char GoInt8;
typedef unsigned char GoUint8;
typedef short GoInt16;
typedef unsigned short GoUint16;
typedef int GoInt32;
typedef unsigned int GoUint32;
typedef long long GoInt64;
typedef unsigned long long GoUint64;
typedef GoInt64 GoInt;
typedef GoUint64 GoUint;
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ GoUintptr;
typedef float GoFloat32;
typedef double GoFloat64;
typedef float _Complex GoComplex64;
typedef double _Complex GoComplex128;

  static assertion to make sure the file is being used on architecture
  at least with matching size of GoInt.
typedef char _check_for_64_bit_pointer_matching_GoInt[sizeof(void*)==64/8 ? 1:-1];

typedef struct { const char *p; GoInt n; } GoString;
typedef void *GoMap;
typedef void *GoChan;
typedef struct { void *t; void *v; } GoInterface;
typedef struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; } GoSlice;


/* End of boilerplate cgo prologue.  */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern GoInt Add(GoInt p0, GoInt p1);

extern GoFloat64 Cosine(GoFloat64 p0);

extern void Sort(GoSlice p0);

extern GoInt Log(GoString p0);

#ifdef __cplusplus

The shared object file

The other file generated by the compiler is a 64-bit ELF shared object binary file. We can verify its information using the file command.

$> file awesome.so
awesome.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86–64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=1fcf29a2779a335371f17219fffbdc47b2ed378a, not stripped

Using the nm and the grep commands, we can ensure our Go functions got exported in the shared object file.

$> nm awesome.so | grep -e "T Add" -e "T Cosine" -e "T Sort" -e "T Log"
00000000000d0db0 T Add
00000000000d0e30 T Cosine
00000000000d0f30 T Log
00000000000d0eb0 T Sort

From C

There are two ways to use the shared object library to call Go functions from C. First, we can statically bind the shared library at compilation, but dynamically link it at runtime. Or, have the Go function symbols be dynamically loaded and bound at runtime.

Dynamically linked

In this approach, we use the header file to statically reference types and functions exported in the shared object file. The code is simple and clean as shown below:

File client1.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include "awesome.h"

int main() {
    printf("Using awesome lib from C:\n");
    //Call Add() - passing integer params, interger result
    GoInt a = 12;
    GoInt b = 99;
    printf("awesome.Add(12,99) = %d\n", Add(a, b)); 

    //Call Cosine() - passing float param, float returned
    printf("awesome.Cosine(1) = %f\n", (float)(Cosine(1.0)));
    //Call Sort() - passing an array pointer
    GoInt data[6] = {77, 12, 5, 99, 28, 23};
    GoSlice nums = {data, 6, 6};
    printf("awesome.Sort(77,12,5,99,28,23): ");
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
        printf("%d,", ((GoInt *)nums.data)[i]);

    //Call Log() - passing string value
    GoString msg = {"Hello from C!", 13};

Next we compile the C code, specifying the shared object library:

$> gcc -o client client1.c ./awesome.so

When the resulting binary is executed, it links to the awesome.so library, calling the functions that were exported from Go as the output shows below.

$> ./client
awesome.Add(12,99) = 111
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0.540302
awesome.Sort(77,12,5,99,28,23): 5,12,23,28,77,99,
Hello from C!

Dynamically Loaded

In this approach, the C code uses the dynamic link loader library (libdl.so) to dynamically load and bind exported symbols. It uses functions defined in dhfcn.h such as dlopen to open the library file, dlsym to look up a symbol, dlerror to retrieve errors, and dlclose to close the shared library file.

Because the binding and linking is done in your source code, this version is lengthier. However, it is doing the same thing as before, as highlighted in the following snippet (some print statements and error handling omitted).

File client2.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

// define types needed
typedef long long go_int;
typedef double go_float64;
typedef struct{void *arr; go_int len; go_int cap;} go_slice;
typedef struct{const char *p; go_int len;} go_str;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    void *handle;
    char *error;

    // use dlopen to load shared object
    handle = dlopen ("./awesome.so", RTLD_LAZY);
    if (!handle) {
        fputs (dlerror(), stderr);
    // resolve Add symbol and assign to fn ptr
    go_int (*add)(go_int, go_int)  = dlsym(handle, "Add");
    if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)  {
        fputs(error, stderr);
    // call Add()
    go_int sum = (*add)(12, 99); 
    printf("awesome.Add(12, 99) = %d\n", sum);

    // resolve Cosine symbol
    go_float64 (*cosine)(go_float64) = dlsym(handle, "Cosine");
    if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)  {
        fputs(error, stderr);
    // Call Cosine
    go_float64 cos = (*cosine)(1.0);
    printf("awesome.Cosine(1) = %f\n", cos);

    // resolve Sort symbol
    void (*sort)(go_slice) = dlsym(handle, "Sort");
    if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)  {
        fputs(error, stderr);
    // call Sort
    go_int data[5] = {44,23,7,66,2};
    go_slice nums = {data, 5, 5};
    printf("awesome.Sort(44,23,7,66,2): ");
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
        printf("%d,", ((go_int *)data)[i]);

    // resolve Log symbol
    go_int (*log)(go_str) = dlsym(handle, "Log");
    if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)  {
        fputs(error, stderr);
    // call Log
    go_str msg = {"Hello from C!", 13};
    // close file handle when done

In the previous code, we define our own subset of Go compatible C types go_int, go_float, go_slice, and go_str. We use dlsym to load symbols Add, Cosine, Sort, and Log and assign them to their respective function pointers. Next, we compile the code linking it with the dl library (not the awesome.so) as follows:

$> gcc -o client client2.c -ldl

When the code is executed, the C binary loads and links to shared library awesome.so producing the following output:

$> ./client
awesome.Add(12, 99) = 111
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0.540302
awesome.Sort(44,23,7,66,2): 2,7,23,44,66,
Hello from C!

From Python

In Python things get a little easier. We use can use the ctypes foreign function library to call Go functions from the the awesome.so shared library as shown in the following snippet (some print statements are omitted).

File client.py

from __future__ import print_function
from ctypes import *

lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("./awesome.so")

# describe and invoke Add()
lib.Add.argtypes = [c_longlong, c_longlong]
lib.Add.restype = c_longlong
print("awesome.Add(12,99) = %d" % lib.Add(12,99))

# describe and invoke Cosine()
lib.Cosine.argtypes = [c_double]
lib.Cosine.restype = c_double
print("awesome.Cosine(1) = %f" % lib.Cosine(1))

# define class GoSlice to map to:
# C type struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; }
class GoSlice(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("data", POINTER(c_void_p)), ("len", c_longlong), ("cap", c_longlong)]

nums = GoSlice((c_void_p * 5)(74, 4, 122, 9, 12), 5, 5) 

# call Sort
lib.Sort.argtypes = [GoSlice]
lib.Sort.restype = None
print("awesome.Sort(74,4,122,9,12) = %s" % [nums.data[i] for i in range(nums.len)])

# define class GoString to map:
# C type struct { const char *p; GoInt n; }
class GoString(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("p", c_char_p), ("n", c_longlong)]

# describe and call Log()
lib.Log.argtypes = [GoString]
lib.Log.restype = c_longlong
msg = GoString(b"Hello Python!", 13)
print("log id %d"% lib.Log(msg))

Note the lib variable represents the loaded symbols from the shared object file. We also defined Python classes GoString and GoSlice to map to their respective C struct types. When the Python code is executed, it calls the Go functions in the shared object producing the following output:

$> python client.py
awesome.Add(12,99) = 111
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0.540302
awesome.Sort(74,4,122,9,12) = [4, 9, 12, 74, 122]
Hello Python!
log id 1

Python CFFI (contributed)

The following example was contributed by @sbinet (thank you!)

Python also has a portable CFFI library that works with Python2/Python3/pypy unchanged. The following example uses a C-wrapper to defined the exported Go types. This makes the python example less opaque and even easier to understand.

File client-cffi.py

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from cffi import FFI

is_64b = sys.maxsize > 2**32

ffi = FFI()
if is_64b: ffi.cdef("typedef long GoInt;\n")
else:      ffi.cdef("typedef int GoInt;\n")

typedef struct {
    void* data;
    GoInt len;
    GoInt cap;
} GoSlice;

typedef struct {
    const char *data;
    GoInt len;
} GoString;

GoInt Add(GoInt a, GoInt b);
double Cosine(double v);
void Sort(GoSlice values);
GoInt Log(GoString str);

lib = ffi.dlopen("./awesome.so")

print("awesome.Add(12,99) = %d" % lib.Add(12,99))
print("awesome.Cosine(1) = %f" % lib.Cosine(1))

data = ffi.new("GoInt[]", [74,4,122,9,12])
nums = ffi.new("GoSlice*", {'data':data, 'len':5, 'cap':5})
print("awesome.Sort(74,4,122,9,12) = %s" % [
    ffi.cast("GoInt*", nums.data)[i] 
    for i in range(nums.len)])

data = ffi.new("char[]", b"Hello Python!")
msg = ffi.new("GoString*", {'data':data, 'len':13})
print("log id %d" % lib.Log(msg[0]))

From Ruby

Calling Go functions from Ruby follows a similar pattern as above. We use the the FFI gem to dynamically load and call exported Go functions in the awesome.so shared object file as shown in the following snippet.

File client.rb

require 'ffi'

# Module that represents shared lib
module Awesome
  extend FFI::Library
  ffi_lib './awesome.so'
  # define class GoSlice to map to:
  # C type struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; }
  class GoSlice < FFI::Struct
    layout :data,  :pointer,
           :len,   :long_long,
           :cap,   :long_long

  # define class GoString to map:
  # C type struct { const char *p; GoInt n; }
  class GoString < FFI::Struct
    layout :p,     :pointer,
           :len,   :long_long

  # foreign function definitions
  attach_function :Add, [:long_long, :long_long], :long_long
  attach_function :Cosine, [:double], :double
  attach_function :Sort, [GoSlice.by_value], :void
  attach_function :Log, [GoString.by_value], :int

# Call Add
print "awesome.Add(12, 99) = ",  Awesome.Add(12, 99), "\n"

# Call Cosine
print "awesome.Cosine(1) = ", Awesome.Cosine(1), "\n"

# call Sort
nums = [92,101,3,44,7]
ptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :long_long, nums.size
ptr.write_array_of_long_long  nums
slice = Awesome::GoSlice.new
slice[:data] = ptr
slice[:len] = nums.size
slice[:cap] = nums.size
sorted = slice[:data].read_array_of_long_long nums.size
print "awesome.Sort(", nums, ") = ", sorted, "\n"

# Call Log
msg = "Hello Ruby!"
gostr = Awesome::GoString.new
gostr[:p] = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(msg) 
gostr[:len] = msg.size
print "logid ", Awesome.Log(gostr), "\n"

In Ruby, we must extend the FFI module to declare the symbols being loaded from the shared library. We use Ruby classes GoSlice and GoString to map the respective C structs. When we run the code it calls the exported Go functions as shown below:

$> ruby client.rb
awesome.Add(12, 99) = 111
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0.5403023058681398
awesome.Sort([92, 101, 3, 44, 7]) = [3, 7, 44, 92, 101]
Hello Ruby!

From Node

For Node, we use a foreign function library called node-ffi (and a couple dependent packages) to dynamically load and call exported Go functions in the awesome.so shared object file as shown in the following snippet:

File client.js

var ref = require("ref");
var ffi = require("ffi");
var Struct = require("ref-struct")
var ArrayType = require("ref-array")

var longlong = ref.types.longlong;
var LongArray = ArrayType(longlong);

// define object GoSlice to map to:
// C type struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; }
var GoSlice = Struct({
  data: LongArray,
  len:  "longlong",
  cap: "longlong"

// define object GoString to map:
// C type struct { const char *p; GoInt n; }
var GoString = Struct({
  p: "string",
  n: "longlong"

// define foreign functions
var awesome = ffi.Library("./awesome.so", {
  Add: ["longlong", ["longlong", "longlong"]],
  Cosine: ["double", ["double"]], 
  Sort: ["void", [GoSlice]],
  Log: ["longlong", [GoString]]

// call Add
console.log("awesome.Add(12, 99) = ", awesome.Add(12, 99));

// call Cosine
console.log("awesome.Cosine(1) = ", awesome.Cosine(1));

// call Sort
nums = LongArray([12,54,0,423,9]);
var slice = new GoSlice();
slice["data"] = nums;
slice["len"] = 5;
slice["cap"] = 5;
console.log("awesome.Sort([12,54,9,423,9] = ", nums.toArray());

// call Log
str = new GoString();
str["p"] = "Hello Node!";
str["n"] = 11;

Node uses the ffi object to declare the loaded symbols from the shared library . We also use Node struct objects GoSlice and GoString to map to their respective C structs. When we run the code it calls the exported Go functions as shown below:

awesome.Add(12, 99) =  111
awesome.Cosine(1) =  0.5403023058681398
awesome.Sort([12,54,9,423,9] =  [ 0, 9, 12, 54, 423 ]
Hello Node!

From Java

To call the exported Go functions from Java, we use the Java Native Access library or JNA as shown in the following code snippet (with some statements omitted or abbreviated):

File Client.java

import com.sun.jna.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Long;

public class Client {
   public interface Awesome extends Library {
        // GoSlice class maps to:
        // C type struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; }
        public class GoSlice extends Structure {
            public static class ByValue extends GoSlice implements Structure.ByValue {}
            public Pointer data;
            public long len;
            public long cap;
            protected List getFieldOrder(){
                return Arrays.asList(new String[]{"data","len","cap"});

        // GoString class maps to:
        // C type struct { const char *p; GoInt n; }
        public class GoString extends Structure {
            public static class ByValue extends GoString implements Structure.ByValue {}
            public String p;
            public long n;
            protected List getFieldOrder(){
                return Arrays.asList(new String[]{"p","n"});


        // Foreign functions
        public long Add(long a, long b);
        public double Cosine(double val);
        public void Sort(GoSlice.ByValue vals);
        public long Log(GoString.ByValue str);
   static public void main(String argv[]) {
        Awesome awesome = (Awesome) Native.loadLibrary(
            "./awesome.so", Awesome.class);

        System.out.printf("awesome.Add(12, 99) = %s\n", awesome.Add(12, 99));
        System.out.printf("awesome.Cosine(1.0) = %s\n", awesome.Cosine(1.0));
        // Call Sort
        // First, prepare data array 
        long[] nums = new long[]{53,11,5,2,88};
        Memory arr = new Memory(nums.length * Native.getNativeSize(Long.TYPE));
        arr.write(0, nums, 0, nums.length); 
        // fill in the GoSlice class for type mapping
        Awesome.GoSlice.ByValue slice = new Awesome.GoSlice.ByValue();
        slice.data = arr;
        slice.len = nums.length;
        slice.cap = nums.length;
        System.out.print("awesome.Sort(53,11,5,2,88) = [");
        long[] sorted = slice.data.getLongArray(0,nums.length);
        for(int i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++){
            System.out.print(sorted[i] + " ");

        // Call Log
        Awesome.GoString.ByValue str = new Awesome.GoString.ByValue();
        str.p = "Hello Java!";
        str.n = str.p.length();
        System.out.printf("msgid %d\n", awesome.Log(str));


To use JNA, we define Java interface Awesome to represents the symbols loaded from the awesome.so shared library file. We also declare classes GoSlice and GoString to map to their respective C struct representations. When we compile and run the code, it calls the exported Go functions as shown below:

$> javac -cp jna.jar Client.java
$> java -cp .:jna.jar Client
awesome.Add(12, 99) = 111
awesome.Cosine(1.0) = 0.5403023058681398
awesome.Sort(53,11,5,2,88) = [2 5 11 53 88 ]
Hello Java!

From Lua (contributed)

This example was contributed by @titpetric. See his insightful write up on Calling Go functions from LUA.

The forllowing shows how to invoke exported Go functions from Lua. As before, it uses an FFI library to dynamically load the shared object file and bind to the exported function symbols.

File client.lua

local ffi = require("ffi")
local awesome = ffi.load("./awesome.so")

typedef long long GoInt64;
typedef unsigned long long GoUint64;
typedef GoInt64 GoInt;
typedef GoUint64 GoUint;
typedef double GoFloat64;

typedef struct { const char *p; GoInt n; } GoString;
typedef struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; } GoSlice;

extern GoInt Add(GoInt p0, GoInt p1);
extern GoFloat64 Cosine(GoFloat64 p0);
extern void Sort(GoSlice p0);
extern GoInt Log(GoString p0);

io.write( string.format("awesome.Add(12, 99) = %f\n", math.floor(tonumber(awesome.Add(12,99)))) )

io.write( string.format("awesome.Cosine(1) = %f\n", tonumber(awesome.Cosine(1))) )

local nums = ffi.new("long long[5]", {12,54,0,423,9})
local numsPointer = ffi.new("void *", nums);
local typeSlice = ffi.metatype("GoSlice", {})
local slice = typeSlice(numsPointer, 5, 5)

io.write("awesome.Sort([12,54,9,423,9] = ")
for i=0,4 do
	if i > 0 then
		io.write(", ")

local typeString = ffi.metatype("GoString", {})
local logString = typeString("Hello LUA!", 10)

When the example is executed, it produces the following:

$> luajit client.lua
awesome.Add(12, 99) = 111.000000
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0.540302
awesome.Sort([12,54,9,423,9] = 0, 9, 12, 54, 423
Hello LUA!

From Julia (Contributed)

The following example was contributed by @r9y9. It shows how to invoke exported Go functions from the Julia language. As documented here, Julia has the capabilities to invoke exported functions from shared libraries similar to other languages discussed here.

File client.jl

struct GoSlice
GoSlice(a::Vector, cap=10) = GoSlice(pointer(a), length(a), cap)

struct GoStr
GoStr(s::String) = GoStr(pointer(s), length(s))

const libawesome = "awesome.so"

Add(x,y) = ccall((:Add, libawesome), Int,(Int,Int), x,y)
Cosine(x) = ccall((:Cosine, libawesome), Float64, (Float64,), x)
function Sort(vals)
    ccall((:Sort, libawesome), Void, (GoSlice,), GoSlice(vals))
    return vals # for convenience
Log(msg) = ccall((:Log, libawesome), Int, (GoStr,), GoStr(msg))

for ex in [:(Add(12, 9)),:(Cosine(1)), :(Sort([77,12,5,99,28,23]))]
    println("awesome.$ex = $(eval(ex))")
Log("Hello from Julia!")

When the example is executed, it produces the following:

> julia client.jl
awesome.Add(12, 9) = 21
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0.5403023058681398
awesome.Sort([77, 12, 5, 99, 28, 23]) = [5, 12, 23, 28, 77, 99]
Hello from Julia!

From Dart (Contributed)

The following example was contributed by @dpurfield. It shows how to invoke exported Go functions from the Dart language. As documented here, Dart has the capability to invoke exported functions from shared libraries similar to other languages discussed here.

File client.dart

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';

class GoSlice extends Struct<GoSlice> {
  Pointer<Int64> data;

  int len;

  int cap;

  List<int> toList() {
    List<int> units = [];
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
    return units;

  static Pointer<GoSlice> fromList(List<int> units) {
    final ptr = Pointer<Int64>.allocate(count: units.length);
    for (int i =0; i < units.length; ++i) {
    final GoSlice slice = Pointer<GoSlice>.allocate().load();
    slice.data = ptr;
    slice.len = units.length;
    slice.cap = units.length;
    return slice.addressOf;

class GoString extends Struct<GoString> {
  Pointer<Uint8> string;

  int length;

  String toString() {
    List<int> units = [];
    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    return Utf8Decoder().convert(units);

  static Pointer<GoString> fromString(String string) {
    List<int> units = Utf8Encoder().convert(string);
    final ptr = Pointer<Uint8>.allocate(count: units.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < units.length; ++i) {
    final GoString str = Pointer<GoString>.allocate().load();
    str.length = units.length;
    str.string = ptr;
    return str.addressOf;

typedef add_func = Int64 Function(Int64, Int64);
typedef Add = int Function(int, int);
typedef cosine_func = Double Function(Double);
typedef Cosine = double Function(double);
typedef log_func = Int64 Function(Pointer<GoString>);
typedef Log = int Function(Pointer<GoString>);
typedef sort_func = Void Function(Pointer<GoSlice>);
typedef Sort = void Function(Pointer<GoSlice>);

void main(List<String> args) {

  final awesome = DynamicLibrary.open('awesome.so');

  final Add add = awesome.lookup<NativeFunction<add_func>>('Add').asFunction();
  stdout.writeln("awesome.Add(12, 99) = ${add(12, 99)}");

  final Cosine cosine = awesome.lookup<NativeFunction<cosine_func>>('Cosine').asFunction();
  stdout.writeln("awesome.Cosine(1) = ${cosine(1.0)}");

  final Log log = awesome.lookup<NativeFunction<log_func>>('LogPtr').asFunction();
  final Pointer<GoString> message = GoString.fromString("Hello, Dart!");
  try {
  finally {

  final Sort sort = awesome.lookup<NativeFunction<sort_func>>('SortPtr').asFunction();
  var nums = [12,54,0,423,9];
  final Pointer<GoSlice> slice = GoSlice.fromList(nums);
  try {
  } finally {

  for (int i=0; i < 100000; i++) {
    Pointer<GoString> m = GoString.fromString("Hello, Dart!");
    Pointer<GoSlice> s = GoSlice.fromList(nums);
    print("$m $s");


From C#

To call the exported Go functions from C# we use the DllImportAttribute attribute to dynamically load and call exported Go functions in the awesome.so shared object file as shown in the following snippet.

File client.cs

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Awesome
    const string libName = "awesome.so";

    public struct GoSlice
        public IntPtr data;
        public long len, cap;
        public GoSlice(IntPtr data, long len, long cap)
            this.data = data;
            this.len = len;
            this.cap = cap;
    public struct GoString
        public string msg;
        public long len;
        public GoString(string msg, long len)
            this.msg = msg;
            this.len = len;

    // Use DllImport to import the Awesome lib.
    public static extern int Add(long a, long b);

    public static extern double Cosine(double a);

    public static extern void Sort(GoSlice a);

    [DllImport(libName, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern void Log(GoString msg);

    static void Main()
        long add = Add(12, 99);
        double cosine = Cosine(1);

        long[] data = { 77, 12, 5, 99, 28, 23 };
        IntPtr data_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Buffer.ByteLength(data));
        Marshal.Copy(data, 0, data_ptr, data.Length);
        var nums = new GoSlice(data_ptr, data.Length, data.Length);
        Marshal.Copy(nums.data, data, 0, data.Length);

        string msg = "Hello from C#!";
        GoString str = new GoString(msg, msg.Length);

        Console.WriteLine("awesome.Add(12,99) = " + add);
        Console.WriteLine("awesome.Cosine(1) = " + cosine);
        Console.WriteLine("awesome.Sort(77,12,5,99,28,23): " + string.Join(", ", data));

When the example is executed, it produces the following:

> dotnet run
awesome.Add(12,99) = 111
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0,5403023058681398
awesome.Sort(77,12,5,99,28,23): 5, 12, 23, 28, 77, 99
Hello from C#!

From Zig (Contributed)

The following example was contributed by @dgv. It shows how to invoke exported Go functions from the Zig language. As documented here, Zig has the natural capability to interop with C and invoke exported functions from shared libraries not depending on libc.

There are two ways to use the shared object library to call Go functions from Zig like C. First, we can statically bind the shared library at compilation, but dynamically link it at runtime. Or, have the Go function symbols be dynamically loaded and bound at runtime.

Dynamically linked

In this approach, we use the header file to statically reference types and functions exported in the shared object file. The code is simple and clean as shown below:

File client1.zig

const std = @import("std");
const awesome = @cImport({

pub fn main() !void {
    //Call Add() - passing integer params, interger result
    const a: awesome.GoInt = 12;
    const b: awesome.GoInt = 99;
    std.debug.print("awesome.Add(12,99) = {d}\n", .{awesome.Add(a, b)});

    //Call Cosine() - passing float param, float returned
    std.debug.print("awesome.Cosine(1) = {d}\n", .{awesome.Cosine(1.0)});

    //Call SortPtr() - converting the array and passing as GoSlice pointer
    const data = [6]awesome.GoInt{ 77, 12, 5, 99, 28, 23 };
    const nums = awesome.GoSlice{ .data = @ptrCast(@constCast(&data)), .len = data.len, .cap = data.len };
    std.debug.print("awesome.SortPtr(77,12,5,99,28,23): ", .{});
    for (@as(*align(1) const [nums.len]awesome.GoInt, @ptrCast(nums.data))) |n| {
        std.debug.print("{d},", .{n});
    std.debug.print("\n", .{});

    //Call Log() - passing string value
    const msg = awesome.GoString{ .p = "Hello from Zig!", .n = 16 };
    _ = awesome.Log(msg);

Next we use Zig to compile and run the code, specifying the shared object library, it links to the awesome.so library, calling the functions that were exported from Go as the output shows below.

$> zig run client1.zig -I. ./awesome.so
awesome.Add(12,99) = 111
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0.5403023058681398
awesome.SortPtr(77,12,5,99,28,23): 5,12,23,28,77,99,
Hello from Zig!

Dynamically Loaded

In this approach, the Zig code uses the dynamic library loading to dynamically load and bind exported symbols. It uses functions defined in DynLib such as open to open the library file, lookup to look up a symbol, and close to close the shared library file.

Because the binding and linking is done in your source code, this version is lengthier. However, it is doing the same thing as before, as highlighted in the following snippet (some print statements and error handling omitted).

File client2.zig

const std = @import("std");

const go_int = i64;
const go_float = f64;
const go_str = []const u8;
const go_slice = extern struct {
    data: *[]go_int,
    len: go_int,
    cap: go_int,
var Add: *const fn (a: go_int, b: go_int) go_int = undefined;
var Cosine: *const fn (n: go_float) go_float = undefined;
var SortPtr: *const fn (nums: *go_slice) void = undefined;
var Log: *const fn (str: go_str) go_int = undefined;

pub fn main() !void {
    // use dlopen to load shared object
    var awesome = try std.DynLib.open("./awesome.so");
    // close file handle when done
    defer awesome.close();

    // resolve Add symbol and assign to fn ptr
    Add = awesome.lookup(@TypeOf(Add), "Add") orelse return error.LookupFail;
    // call Add()
    std.debug.print("awesome.Add(12,99) = {d}\n", .{Add(12, 99)});

    // resolve Cosine symbol
    Cosine = awesome.lookup(@TypeOf(Cosine), "Cosine") orelse return error.LookupFail;
    // Call Cosine
    std.debug.print("awesome.Cosine(1) = {d}\n", .{Cosine(1.0)});

    // resolve SortPtr symbol
    SortPtr = awesome.lookup(@TypeOf(SortPtr), "SortPtr") orelse return error.LookupFail;
    const data = [5]go_int{ 44, 23, 7, 66, 2 };
    const nums = go_slice{ .data = @ptrCast(@constCast(&data)), .len = data.len, .cap = data.len };
    // call SortPtr
    std.debug.print("awesome.SortPtr(44,23,7,66,2): ", .{});
    for (@as(*align(1) const [nums.len]go_int, @ptrCast(nums.data))) |n| {
        std.debug.print("{d},", .{n});
    std.debug.print("\n", .{});

    // resolve Log symbol
    Log = awesome.lookup(@TypeOf(Log), "Log") orelse return error.LookupFail;
    // call Log
    _ = Log("Hello from Zig!");

In the previous code, we define our own subset of Go compatible C types go_int, go_float, go_slice, and go_str. We use lookup to load symbols Add, Cosine, Sort, and Log and assign them to their respective function pointers. Next, we compile the code linking it with the dl library (not the awesome.so) as follows: When the code is executed, the C binary loads and links to shared library awesome.so producing the following output:

$> zig run client2.zig ./awesome.so
awesome.Add(12,99) = 111
awesome.Cosine(1) = 0.5403023058681398
awesome.SortPtr(44,23,7,66,2): 2,7,23,44,66,
Hello from Zig!


This repo shows how to create a Go library that can be used from C, Python, Ruby, Node, Java, Lua, Julia. By compiling Go packages into C-style shared libraries, Go programmers have a powerful way of integrating their code with any modern language that supports dynamic loading and linking of shared object files.