
The Julia Language project manager


The mce (Maurice) CLI has useful functionality for beginners and advanced programmers - so feel free to give it a try and give feedback on the commands / workflow in the Github "issues".

Just be aware that this software is still under development and is currently in the 'Alpha' phase.

There's more to come!

Windows Compatibility:

The CLI is currently not fully functional / tested on Windows; it works well on Linux though (and presumably Windows' WSL as well as MacOS, too).


The Julia language must be installed and on the user's path for this software to function properly. If Julia is not installed, the mce tool will ask if you want to install Julia (on Linux or MacOS). Julia install will be performed with the juliaup command line tool.

The available commands are summarized here: (Full descriptions are explicated below)

  • mce
    • new | generate
      • script <script_name>
      • app <app_name>
      • package <package_name>
    • jl
      • repl
      • pluto | notebook | nb
      • edit | code
    • run | exec <script_to_run.jl>
    • test
      • run
    • compile | create
      • app <app_src_dir> <compiled_app_output>
    • pkg
      • status | list | ls
      • add | install <package_name>
      • remove | rm | delete <package_name>
      • update <?package_name>

NOTE: Using partial commands also works with this CLI tool, so using a command like mce p up will work the same as the command mce pkg update and will update all packages; mce j ed will work the same as mce jl edit and will start up VSCode as well as start the Julia process in the terminal for you.

Some helpful workflow shortcuts with the mce (Maurice) CLI are:

  • create an environment with default files & folders in the current working directory: mce new or mce new env

  • Get the status of packages in your environment: mce pkg ls or mce p st (or mce pkg status if you like typing)

  • Install a package in the local environment: mce p i <package_name> or mce p add <package_name> (ie. Maurice package install | add package)

  • Start VSCode in the current directory and start the julia repl for interactive work on the side: mce jl edit or mce j ed (NB: currently, VSCode must already be installed for this command to work)

  • Start a Pluto Notebook: mce jl pluto or mce j p

Currently, the CLI functions include: (note: if arguments are not given by the user on the command line, then Maurice will ask for them explicitly)

mce (new | generate)

mce (new | generate)

create a new environment & project structure; the CLI will ask for a project name

mce new script <script_name>

same as above: create a new environment & project structure; the CLI will ask for a project name if one is not provided

mce new app <app_name>

create a new app project structure; the CLI will ask for an app name if one is not provided

mce new package <package_name>

create a new package, using PkgTemplates.jl (and the template in the startup file written to ./julia/config); the CLI will ask for a package name if one is not provided

mce jl

mce jl

start Julia with the project in the current directory activated (default), or run the Julia Repl with the global env. if not in a Julia project directory

mce jl (repl | run)

same as above: start Julia with the project in the current directory activated (default), or run the Julia Repl with the global env. if not in a Julia project directory

mce jl (pluto | notebook | nb)

starts Pluto.jl, the notebook environment written in native Julia. If Pluto is not installed, mce will install it for you.

mce jl (edit | code)

open VSCode with the current directory, and start up a Julia process in the terminal for working / testing interactively as well; currently, VSCode must already be installed and on the the user's $PATH

mce run

mce run <script_to_run.jl>

run the script provided on the command line. If a script name isn't provided, Maurice will ask for the path to a script.

mce test

mce test

run tests defined in the ./test/runtests.jl file

mce test run

same as above; run tests defined in the ./test/runtests.jl file

mce (compile | create)

mce compile app <path_to_app_source> <path_for_compilation_output>

Compile an app into an executable which can be run without Julia being installed

mce pkg

mce pkg

get status of installed packages. NB: all commands default to current local environment for adding/removing packages, and fall back to global environment if not working in a project directory

mce pkg (status | list | ls)

get status of installed packages / list installed packages.

mce pkg add <package_name>

add a package from a Julia registry

mce pkg (remove | rm | delete) <package_name>

remove an installed package; defaults to operating on local project environment, and falls back to global environment

mce pkg update <?package_name>

update all packages if the 'package_name' is not provided, or update specific package in local environment if 'package_name' is given

Building from source:

Rust language must be installed to compile this tool; Rust can be installed using the rustup tool.

For non-Rust users: after cloning this repo from Github, the mce CLI tool can be compiled by typing cargo build --release onto the command line in the project's root directory, and then copying the mce binary from the (project root)/target/release/ folder into a directory on your $PATH (eg. /usr/bin or ~/bin).

On Linux or Windows WSL, if you enter the (project root)/target/release directory, then you can use the command cp ./mce ~/bin/ to add the binary to your $PATH (you may need to create the ~/bin/ directory if it doesn't exist). Then you're ready to start using the mce (Maurice) CLI tool.