
A Julia package that provides calculation functions commonly used in meteorology

MIT License


MetJl.jl is a Julia language package that provides calculation functions commonly used in meteorology. It is inspired by the calc module in Python's MetPy library. This package aims to provide Julia users with a convenient and efficient tool for processing meteorological data.


To install MetJl.jl, you need to use Julia's package manager. Enter the following command at the Julia command line:

pkg> add MetJl


MetJl.jl provides the following functionality:

  • Calculate dewpoint temperature
  • Calculate relative humidity
  • Calculate potential temperature
  • Calculate density height
  • and other weather-related calculations


How to Cite

If you use MetJl.jl in your work, please cite using the reference given in CITATION.cff.


If you want to make contributions of any kind, please first that a look into our contributing guide directly on GitHub or the contributing page on the website.


If you have any questions or need help, you can contact us by:

Thanks for using MetJl.jl


Special Thanks

Our project stands on the shoulders of giants. We are grateful to the open source community for the tools, libraries, and frameworks that have made our work easier and more efficient.