
An array type for MPI halo data exchange in Julia

MIT License



MPIHaloArrays provides a high-level array type to facilitate halo, or ghost-cell exchanges commonly found in large-scale PDE codes. The MPIHaloArray type is a subtype of AbstractArray.

Inspiration was taken from MPIArrays.jl and ImplicitGlobalGrid.jl. Domains can be decomposed into 1, 2, or 3D parallel topologies.


The package can be installed with

pkg> add MPIHaloArrays


  • [STABLE] — most recently tagged version of the documentation.
  • [DEV] — most recent development version of the documentation.

Basic Usage

Halo exchange is a common practice in large-scale PDE codes that decompose the domain into many sub-domains. Neighbor information is exchanged at regular intervals through "ghost" or "halo" cell regions. The image below shows an example from a 1D array that has a halo region of 3 cells.

Halo exchanges can be done in multiple dimensions. At the moment, MPIHaloArrays.jl limits this to 1-3D arrays, but this will be extended in the future. The example below shows how to set up the initial array, fill halo/domain cells, do a halo exchange, and more.

Currently arrays are limited to 1, 2, or 3D. This will be addressed in future versions

using MPI, MPIHaloArrays

const comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
const rank = MPI.Comm_rank(comm)
const nprocs = MPI.Comm_size(comm)
const root = 0

# Create the MPI topology
topo = CartesianTopology(comm, [4,4], # use a 4x4 decomposition
                         [true, true]) # periodic in both dimensions   

nhalo = 2 # Number of halo cells in each dimension (fixed for all dimensions)
N = 200

# create the array type; this pads the data on all sides with halo regions
A = MPIHaloArray(rand(N,N), topo, nhalo)

# fill all the halo regions with -1
fillhalo!(A, -1)

# fill the domain region with the current rank
filldomain!(A, rank)

# local (current rank) indexing works just like a normal array
A[1,1] .= 2.0

# Get the local/global indices of the _domain_ data (not including the halo cells)
ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi = local_domain_indices(A) # -> useful for looping without going into halo regions

# Exchange data with neighbors


Scatter and gather operations are also defined with scatterglobal and gatherglobal.

root = 0 # MPI rank to scatter from / gather to

# start with a global Base.Array type to decompose and scatter to each rank
ni = 512; nj = 256
A_global = reshape(1:ni*nj, ni, nj);

# scatter - this internally converts A_global to multiple halo arrays. This is why
#           the nhalo and topology types are needed
A_local = scatterglobal(A_global, root, nhalo, topology) # -> returns a MPIHaloArray

# do some work...

# and now gather the decomposed domain and store on the root rank of choice
A_global_result = gatherglobal(A_local; root=root) # -> returns a Base.Array

Setting the halo exchange dimensions

In some cases, you may want a multi-dimensional array that only does the halo exchange on a subset of the dimensions. For example, an array U, has dimensions [[ρ, u, v, p], i, j], where [i,j] represent 2D grid coordinates and [ρ, u, v, p] are the density, x/y velocity, and pressure at each [i,j] coordinate. This can be done with the following syntax:

using MPI, MPIHaloArrays

const comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
const rank = MPI.Comm_rank(comm)
const nprocs = MPI.Comm_size(comm)
const root = 0

U = zeros(4,128,128)

# Only 1 MPI rank, but the topology is 2D
topo = CartesianTopology(comm, (1,1), (true,true))

nhalo = 2
halo_dims = (2,3)
A = MPIHaloArray(U, topo, nhalo, halo_dims)

# This will fail b/c U is 3D and the topology is only 2D; you must
# specify the halo exchange in 2D
A = MPIHaloArray(U, topo, nhalo) # -> ERROR: Mismatched topology dimensionality (2D) and halo region dimensions (3D)

Note: The default behavior selects all dimensions to exchange halo data. You must provide the halo_dims tuple to override this.


Add physical units via Unitful.jl

using MPIHaloArrays, Unitful
data = rand(10,10) * u"m"
A = MPIHaloArray(data, topology, 2)

Add uncertainty via Measurements.jl

using MPIHaloArrays, Unitful, Measurements
data = (rand(10,10) .± 0.1) * u"m"
A = MPIHaloArray(data, topology, 2)


A slightly more useful example that performs 2D heat diffusion is shown here. This shows how to

  • Scatter initial conditions from the root node to each MPI process with scatterglobal()
  • Perform a stencil operation within the current MPIHaloArray. This looks like any other normal array loop, but the bounds are determined by the MPIHaloArray via local_domain_indices()
  • Update halo cells / neighbor information. Periodic boundary conditions are also handled by the CartesianTopology type.
  • Gather results to the root node for plotting/output with gatherglobal()

Exported functions/types

  • MPIHaloArray: An array type that extends AbstractArray to provide MPI neighbor communication for halo or ghost cells
  • AbstractParallelTopology, CartesianTopology: MPI Topology types to manage neighbor information
  • neighbor(), neighbors(), [i,j,k]lo_neighbor(), [i,j,k]hi_neighbor(): Extract neighbors of the current MPI rank
  • lo_indices(), hi_indices(): Local indices of the current MPIHaloArray. Used for loop limits that ignore halo regions
  • fillhalo!(): Fill the halo cells with a scalar value
  • filldomain!(): Fill the domain cells with a scalar value
  • updatehalo!(): Perform neighbor communication / halo exchange
  • scatterglobal(): Distribute/scatter a global array to multiple ranks - returns a local MPIHaloArray for each rank
  • gatherglobal(): Gather MPIHaloArrays to a root MPI rank - returns an AbstractArray on the root node
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