
Teaching material for the OpenGeoHub summer school

MIT License



Julia teaching materials for the OpenGeoHub summer school 2023 in Poznan, Poland.


I've participated in the OGH2023 hackathons by using Julia (and won 🎉). The notebooks are here:


See the schedule at pretalx.

Tuesday 29th of August 2023 in Room 18

09:00 - 10:30

  • Introduction (ogh_summerschool_julia.pdf, intro.ipynb)
  • Differences with other languages (differences.ipynb)
  • Managing packages (package-manager.ipynb)
  • Parallel processing (parallel.ipynb)

11:00 - 12:30

  • Geospatial processing in Julia (juliageo.ipynb)
  • Opening the hackathon files (ogh2023.ipynb)


Please install Julia either from the Windows store or follow the instructions for installing Julia with Juliaup here.

Afterwards run the following in a command-line to install the packages used in this session. julia -e "using Pkg; Pkg.add([\"GeoDataFrames\", \"Rasters\", \"GeoArrays\", \"GeoInterface\", \"IJulia\", \"Plots\", \"WellKnownGeometry\"])"

One can also run the same from within Julia by starting Julia, typing ] to enter package mode (the prompt should turn blue) and input: add GeoDataFrames Rasters GeoArrays GeoInterface IJulia Plots WellKnownGeometry


Please git clone this repository and run jupyterlab to run these notebooks.

using IJulia
jupyterlab()  # this will launch a browser window

Alternatively, you could run these notebooks interactively in VS Code (with the Julia plugin). After following the steps in prerequisites, one could also use their existing Jupyter installation to open/create Julia notebooks.