
A Julia package for reading the Brazilian electric power system file ".pwf".

MIT License


PWF.jl is a Julia package for converting ANAREDE data format (".pwf") into a Julia dictionary.

Additionaly, PWF provides parsing .pwf file directly to PowerModels.jl network data dictionary.

The implementations were made based on the ANAREDE user guide manual (v09).


Until the creating of PWF.jl, '.pwf' files could only be parsed through Brazilian commercial softwares, such as ANAREDE and Organon. Therefore, the Brazilian Power System community was compelled to use one of the two solutions to run Power Flow analysis.

PWF.jl unlocks the power of open-source to the Power System community. Therefore, now, anyone can read the standard Brazilian file ('.pwf') and run steady-state electrical analysis with state-of-the-art methodologies. For the Power Flow algorithm, we encourage the usage of the package PowerModels.jl, which already have integration with the PWF.jl package.

To perform Power Flow analysis using PWF.jl in Julia, follow the steps bellow:

  1. First of all, make sure you have Visual Studio Code and Julia Language Long-term support (LTS) 1.6.6 configured correctly;

  2. Then, add PWF.jl and PowerModels.jl to the known packages;

using Pkg

  1. Finally, you are ready to perform power flow analysis
using PWF, PowerModels

network_path = "network.pwf"

network = PWF.parse_file(network_path)

results = PowerModels.run_ac_pf(network)

results["solution"]["bus"]["1"]["vm"] # folution for voltage magniture of bus 1
results["solution"]["bus"]["1"]["va"] # solution for voltage angle     of bus 1

For more information about PowerModels.jl visit the PowerModels documentation


The package can parse all available sections into a julia dictionary withou any modifications. Each key represents a .pwf section as shown below:

julia> parse_file(file; pm = false)
Dict{String, Any} with 6 entries:
  "DLIN" => Dict{String, Any}[Dict("AGGREGATOR 10"=>nothing, "AGGREGATOR 5"=>nothing, "AGGR"…
  "name" => "3bus"
  "DBAR" => Dict{String, Any}[Dict("AGGREGATOR 10"=>nothing, "ANGLE"=>0.0, "MINIMUM REACTIV"…
  "TITU" => "Ande Case"…
  "DCTE" => Dict{String, Any}("TLVC"=>0.5, "APAS"=>90.0, "BASE"=>100.0, "STIR"=>1.0, "CPAR"…
  "DOPC" => Dict{String, Any}("CONT"=>'L', "CELO"=>'L' "MOST"=>'L', "MOSF"=>'L', "RCVG"=>'…

PowerModels.jl converter

The package also allow converting .pwf file directly into PowerModels.jl network data structure:

julia> parse_file(file; pm = true) # default
Dict{String, Any} with 13 entries:
  "bus"            => Dict{String, Any}("1"=>Dict{String, Any}("zone"=>1, "bus_i"=>1, "bus_"…
  "source_type"    => "pwf"
  "name"           => "3bus"
  "dcline"         => Dict{String, Any}()
  "source_version" => "09"
  "branch"         => Dict{String, Any}("1"=>Dict{String, Any}("br_r"=>0.181, "shift"=>-0.0…
  "gen"            => Dict{String, Any}("1"=>Dict{String, Any}("pg"=>11.52, "model"=>2, "sh"…
  "storage"        => Dict{String, Any}()
  "switch"         => Dict{String, Any}()
  "baseMVA"        => 100.0
  "per_unit"       => false
  "shunt"          => Dict{String, Any}()
  "load"           => Dict{String, Any}("1"=>Dict{String, Any}("source_id"=>Any["load", 3, …

Network Data Sections Available:

  • bus
  • gen
  • load
  • branch
  • dcline
  • shunt

Incoming Network Data Sections:

  • switch
  • storage

Two parsing modes comprehended

There are two main softwares used for parsing PWF files and each one does slightly different assumptions to the data parsed. For more information, visit the documentation.

julia> data = parse_file(file; pm = true, software = ANAREDE) # default

julia> data = parse_file(file; pm = true, software = Organon)

Additional data inside PWF files

If parse_file' argument add_control_data is set to true (default = false), additional information present on the PWF file that is not used by PowerModels will be stored inside each element in the field "control_data", such as the example below:

julia> data = parse_file(file, pm = true, add_control_data = true);

julia> data["shunt"]["1"]["control_data"]
Dict{String, Any} with 9 entries:
  "vmmax"              => 1.029
  "section"            => "DBAR"
  "shunt_control_type" => 3
  "bsmin"              => 0.0
  "shunt_type"         => 2
  "bsmax"              => 0.0
  "inclination"        => nothing
  "vmmin"              => 1.029
  "controlled_bus"     => 1

PWF Sections Available:

  • DBAR
  • DBSH
  • DCBA
  • DCCV
  • DCER
  • DCLI
  • DCNV
  • DCSC
  • DCTE
  • DELO
  • DGBT
  • DGER
  • DGLT
  • DLIN
  • DOPC
  • DSHL
  • DARE
  • DCAI
  • DCAR
  • DGEI
  • DINJ
  • DMFL
  • DMOT
  • DMTE
  • DAGR
  • DCMT
  • DTPF


  • PRs such as adding new sections and fixing bugs are very welcome!
  • For nontrivial changes, you'll probably want to first discuss the changes via issue. Suggestions are super welcome!
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