
Ansible roles to install an Spark Standalone cluster (HDFS/Spark/Jupyter Notebook) or Ambari based Spark cluster

APACHE-2.0 License


This repository defines multiple ansible roles to help deploying different modes of a Spark cluster and Data Science Platform based on Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook stack


You will need a driver machine with ansible installed and a clone of the current repository:

  • If you are running on cloud (public/private network)
    • Install ansible on the edge node (with public ip)
  • if you are running on private cloud (public network access to all nodes)
    • Install ansible on your laptop and drive the deployment from it

Installing Ansible on RHEL

curl -O
sudo rpm -i epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y  ansible

Installing Ansible on Mac

  • Install Annaconda
  • Use pip install ansible
pip install --upgrade ansible

Updating Ansible configuration

In order to have variable overriding from host inventory, please add the following configuration into your ~/.ansible.cfg file

host_key_checking = False
hash_behaviour = merge

Supported/Tested Platform

  • RHEL 7.x
  • Ansible 2.6.3

Defining your cluster deployment metadata (host inventory)

Ansible uses 'host inventory' files to define the cluster configuration, nodes, and groups of nodes that serves a given purpose (e.g. master node).

Below is a host inventory sample definition:


lresende-elyra-node-1   ansible_host=IP   ansible_host_private=IP  ansible_host_id=1

lresende-elyra-node-2   ansible_host=IP   ansible_host_private=IP  ansible_host_id=2
lresende-elyra-node-3   ansible_host=IP   ansible_host_private=IP  ansible_host_id=3
lresende-elyra-node-4   ansible_host=IP   ansible_host_private=IP  ansible_host_id=4
lresende-elyra-node-5   ansible_host=IP   ansible_host_private=IP  ansible_host_id=5

Some specific configurations are:

  • install_java=True : install/update java 8
  • install_temp_dir=/tmp/ansible-install : temporary folder used for install files
  • install_dir=/opt : where packages are installed (e.g. Spark)
  • python_version=2 : python version to use, influence which version of Anaconda to download

Note: ansible_host_id is only used when deploying a "Spark Standalone" cluster. Note: Ambari is currently only supporting Python 2.x

Deploying Spark using Ambari and HDP distribution

In this scenario, a minimal blueprint is used to deploy the required components to run YARN and Spark.

Related ansible roles

  • Common Deploys Java and common dependencies
  • Ambari Deploys Ambari cluster with HDP Stack

Deployment playbook

The sample playbook below can be used to deploy an Spark using an HDP distribution

- name: ambari setup
  hosts: all
  remote_user: root
    - role: common
    - role: ambari


ansible-playbook --verbose <deployment playbook.yml> -i <hosts inventory>


ansible-playbook --verbose setup-ambari.yml -c paramiko -i hosts-fyre-ambari

Deploying Spark standalone

In this scenario, a Standalone Spark cluster will be deployed with a few optional components.

Related ansible roles

  • Common Deploys Java and common dependencies
  • HDFS Deploys HDFS filesystem using slave nodes as data nodes
  • Spark Deploys Spark in Standalone mode using slave nodes as workers
  • Spark-CLuster-Admin Utility scripts for managing Spark cluster
  • ElasticSearch Deploy ElasticSearch nodes on all slave nodes
  • Zookeeper Depoys Zookeeper on all nodes (required by Kafka)
  • Kafka Deploy Kafka nodes on all slave nodes

Deployment playbook

- name: spark setup
  hosts: all
  remote_user: root
    - role: common
    - role: hdfs
    - role: spark
    - role: spark-cluster-admin

Note: When deploying Kafka, the Zookeeper role is required


ansible-playbook --verbose <deployment playbook.yml> -i <hosts inventory>


ansible-playbook --verbose setup-spark-standalone.yml -c paramiko -i hosts-fyre-spark

Deploying Data Science Platform components

In this scenario, an existing Spark cluster is updated with necessary components to build a data science platform based on Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook stack.

Related ansible roles

  • Anaconda Deploys Anaconda Python distribution on all nodes
  • Notebook Deploys Notebook Platform

Deployment playbook

- name: anaconda
  hosts: all
      update_path: true
  remote_user: root
   - role: anaconda

- name: notebook platform dependencies
  hosts: all
      use_anaconda: true
      deploy_kernelspecs_to_workers: false
  remote_user: root
    - role: notebook

Playbook Configuration

  • use_anaconda: Flag to identify if anaconda is available and should be used as python package manager
  • deploy_kernelspecs_to_workers: optionally deploy kernelspecs for Python, R, and Scala to all nodes

Legal Disclaimers

By deploying these packages via the ansible utility scripts in this project you are accepting the license terms for these components.