
A repository for sharing knowledge and resources on awesome analytics apps in python

APACHE-2.0 License


Awesome Analytics Apps

A repository for sharing knowledge and resources on awesome analytics apps in Python.

I've started this project because there are a lot of emerging frameworks for creating awesome analytics apps in Python. These are

And I wan't to share knowledge and the why, what, when and how of each because they are so awesome but different.

Getting Started with this Repository


  • An Operating System like Windows, OsX or Linux
  • A working Python installation.
    • We recommend using 64bit Python 3.7.4.
  • a Shell
    • We recommend Git Bash for Windows 8.1
    • We recommend wsl for For Windows 10
  • an Editor
  • The Git cli


Clone the repo

git clone

cd into the project root folder

cd awesome-analytics-apps

Then you should create a virtual environment named .venv

python -m venv .venv

and activate the environment.

On Linux, OsX or in a Windows Git Bash terminal it's

source .venv/Scripts/activate

or alternatively

source .venv/bin/activate

In a Windows terminal it's


Then you should install the local requirements

pip install -r requirements_local.txt

and enable the qgrid extension for Jupyter Notebooks

jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix qgrid

Build and run the Applications Locally


streamlit run apps/streamlit_apps/


voila apps/voila_apps/

and the associated Jupyter Notebook

jupyter notebook apps/voila_apps/

Run all tests

invoke test.all

If all tests pass successfully you will see

All Tests Passed Successfully

Command Line Interface

We use Invoke to build our command line interface. You can see the list of available commands using

$ invoke --list
Available tasks:                            Build Docker image
  docker.push                             Push the Docker container
  docker.remove-unused                    Removes all unused containers to free up space                              Run the Docker container bash terminal interactively.                       Run the Docker image with the Streamlit server.             Run the docker image with Streamlit server and
  docker.system-prune                     The docker system prune command will free up space                            Build local version of site and open in a browser
  sphinx.copy-from-project-root           We need to copy files like into docs/_copy_of_project_root
  sphinx.livereload                       Start autobild documentation server and open in browser.
  sphinx.test                             Checks for broken internal and external links and                           Builds the awesome-streamlit package)
  test.all (test.pre-commit, test.test)   Runs isort, autoflake, black, pylint, mypy and pytest
  test.autoflake                          Runs autoflake to remove unused imports on all .py files recursively
  test.bandit                             Runs Bandit the security linter from PyCQA.                              Runs black (autoformatter) on all .py files recursively
  test.isort                              Runs isort (import sorter) on all .py files recursively
  test.mypy                               Runs mypy (static type checker) on all .py files recursively
  test.pylint                             Runs pylint (linter) on all .py files recursively to identify coding errors
  test.pytest                             Runs pytest to identify failing tests

and help on a specific command using

$ invoke test.pytest --help
Usage: inv[oke] [--core-opts] test.pytest [--options] [other tasks here ...]

  Runs pytest to identify failing tests

      command {[type]} -- Invoke command object

  Keyword Arguments:
      root_dir {str} -- The directory from which to run the tests
      test_files {str} -- A space separated list of folders and files to test. (default: {'tests})
      integrationtest {bool} -- If True tests marked integrationtest or
          functionaltest will be run. Otherwise not. (default: {False})
          These tests requires the test backend server running.
      test_results {string} -- If not None test reports will be generated in the
          test_results folder

  # Print running pytest

  -e STRING, --test-results=STRING
  -t STRING, --test-files=STRING