
The licensing of bioRxiv preprints

OTHER License


Exploring which licenses authors choose for their bioRxiv preprints

This repository analyzes the licensing of bioRxiv preprints. The bioRxiv data was generated Omnes Res for PrePubMed — a search engine for biomedical preprints.

The findings from this analysis are summarized in a blog post titled The licensing of bioRxiv preprints, which analyzes preprints through but not past November 2016.


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This repository uses conda to manage its environment as specified in environment.yml. Install the environment with:

conda env create --file=environment.yml

Then use source activate biorxiv-licenses and source deactivate to activate or deactivate the environment.


The analysis is performed by running the following notebooks: automates running the analysis for command line usage.


This repository is dual licensed as BSD 3-Clause and CC0 1.0, meaning any repository content can be used under either license. This licensing arrangement ensures source code is available under an OSI-approved License, while non-code content — such as figures, data, and documentation — is maximally reusable under a public domain dedication.