
braai [Bogus/Real Adversarial AI]: Real-bogus astrophysical event classification for the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) using deep learning

MIT License


braai [Bogus/Real Adversarial AI]

Real-bogus classification for the Zwicky Transient Facility using deep learning

Efficient automated detection of flux-transient, reoccurring flux-variable, and moving objects is increasingly important for large-scale astronomical surveys. braai is a convolutional-neural-network, deep-learning real/bogus classifier designed to separate genuine astrophysical events and objects from false positive, or bogus, detections in the data of the Zwicky Transient Facilty (ZTF), a new robotic time-domain survey currently in operation at the Palomar Observatory in California, USA. braai demonstrates a state-of-the-art performance as quantified by its low false negative and false positive rates.

For details, please see Duev et al. 2019, MNRAS, 489 (3), 3582-3590.


braai architecture


todo: plots

Classifier performance

Use braai

See this jupyter notebook

Edge TPU

Transfer learning with braai


See this jupyter notebook, or

Train your own braai


See this jupyter notebook, or


Build and launch the app container:

# without GPU support:
docker build --rm -t braai:cpu -f Dockerfile .
# with GPU support (requires nvidia-docker):
docker build --rm -t braai:gpu -f gpu.Dockerfile .

# run:
# without GPU support:
docker run -it --rm --name braai -v /path/to/store/data:/data braai:cpu
# with GPU support (requires nvidia-docker) exposing the first GPU:
docker run --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 -it --rm --name braai -v /path/to/store/data:/data braai:gpu

Train braai:

python /app/ --t_stamp 20190614_003916 --model VGG6 --epochs 200 --patience 50 --batch_size 64 --verbose