
Compare Anthropic Claude with caching and without

MIT License


Compare Anthropic Claude 3.5 with and without caching

This project compares the performance of Anthropic Claude 3.5 with and without caching using Weights & Biases Weave. It analyzes long context scenarios using transcripts from the podcast.


To get started with this project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  2. Install the requirements:

    pip install -q weave set-env-colab-kaggle-dotenv tqdm ipywidgets requests anthropic
  3. Set up environment variables: Copy the .env.example file to a new file named .env:

    cp .env.example .env

    Then, open the .env file and add your API keys:

    Your .env file should look something like this:


    Note: Keep your .env file private and never commit it to version control.

  4. Run the Jupyter Notebook: Open and run the evaluate_claude_long_context_caching.ipynb notebook to compare Claude 3.5 performance with and without caching.

Project Structure

  • evaluate_claude_long_context_caching.ipynb: Main Jupyter notebook for running the comparison
  • data/*.md: Transcript files used for analysis (not included in this repository)
  • .env: File for storing your API keys (create this from .env.example)
  • This file, containing project information and setup instructions


This project requires access to the Anthropic API and Weights & Biases. Make sure you have the necessary permissions and API keys before running the notebook.