
Demo material for the Craft 2024 "Vector databases" presentation


Vector Databases Demos

for the Craft 2024 presentation.


Python environment

Ensure you are using Python v3.8 - v3.11 (newer versions may work too).

Working in a virtual environment is suggested for isolation and better control.


pip install -r requirements.txt


The happy path is to use an Astra DB instance to run the demos.

Visit, sign up for a free account, create a Vector Database and when it's ready grab the API Endpoint and generate a Token for it.


Notebooks will ask you for these two secrets. If you're running locally, you can copy the .env.template file to a new .env and set the secrets there to skip interactive secret input. A few demos also need an OpenAI API key, which can also be set in .env.

Run the demos

Run locally from the repo's root with

jupyter notebook

or alternatively open the notebooks in Google Colab (links below).

Note. Free-tier accounts have a limited number of collections available. If you run into an error ("too many indices...") while creating collections on Astra DB, try dropping collections from previous demos. This means uncommenting the actual drop method in each notebook's last cell -- just emptying the contents with the delete_all method does not suffice).

Demo 1 ("similarities on a sphere")

In the Jupyter console, open and run the Demo 1 notebook.

Alternatively you can run it in Colab (or just view the notebook).

Demo 2 ("nearest spaceport")

Open and run the Demo 2 notebook.

Alternatively: Colab, or view in browser.

Demo 3 ("mistyped philosophers")

Open and run the Demo 3 notebook.

Alternatively: Colab, or view in browser.

Demo 4 ("similar 'products'")

Open and run the Demo 4 notebook.

Alternatively: Colab, or view in browser.

Demo 5 ("sort your critters")

Open and run the Demo 5 notebook.

Alternatively: Colab, or view in browser.

Demo 6 ("multi-vector search")

Open and run the Demo 6 notebook.

Alternatively: Colab, or view in browser.

Demo 7 ("app migration")

Open and run the Demo 7 notebook.

Alternatively: Colab, or view in browser.

Demo 8 ("text embeddings")

Open and run the Demo 8 notebook.

Alternatively: Colab, or view in browser.

Note: this demo will install additional requirements when run for the first time - an operation which may take a few minutes.

Demo 9 ("philosophy quotes")

Open and run the Demo 9 notebook.

Alternatively: Colab, or view in browser.

Note: this demo is originally featured in the OpenAI Cookbook gallery.