
Semantic conventions for cyber apps

MIT License


Cyber Semantic Conventions

Semantic conventions allow you to describe data structures recorded in the cyber knowledge graph for use in one or more applications.

Proposed Cyber Semantic Convention Standards



IPFS address (CID) of the tweet string: QmbdH2WBamyKLPE5zu4mJ9v49qvY8BFfoumoVPMR5V4Rvx


Tweet object is cyberLink:

  • CID of the tweet string -> CID of a message

Transaction sender is author of a tweet.

Example cyberLink of Tweet object Create Tweet object by the Tweet Semantic Convention Create Tweet object directly

Tweet Answer (current convention)




Tweet Answer is cyberLink:

  • CID of a tweet message -> CID of an answer message

Transaction sender is author of an answer message.

Example cyberLink of Tweet Answer object Create Tweet Answer object directly

Tweet Answer (proposed convention)

It is suggested to add an additional link to recognize answer to a tweet.


CID of the tweet answer string: QmXxCVgN8WZi6QtF8x8u1pQsvVgLpi81pgjjwtHt1kQ8Ax


Tweet Answer object is two cyberLinks:

  • CID of a tweet message -> CID of an answer message
  • CID of the tweet answer string -> CID of an answer message

Transaction sender is author of an answer message.

Example cyberLinks of Tweet Answer object (proposed convention) Create Tweet Answer object directly



CID of the follow string: QmPLSA5oPqYxgc8F7EwrM8WS9vKrr1zPoDniSRFh8HSrxx


Follow object is cyberLink:

  • CID of the follow string -> CID of a cyber account address

Transaction sender is a subscriber.

Example cyberLink of Follow object Create Follow object directly



CID of the unfollow string: QmRsRWy8K9Sb5bsHDzTUD1mtXjk5rgtXM2xi4dqmN529kM


Unfollow object is cyberLink:

  • CID of the unfollow string -> CID of a cyber account address

Transaction sender is an unsubscribed subscriber.

Example cyberLink of Unfollow object Create Unfollow object directly



CID of the avatar string: Qmf89bXkJH9jw4uaLkHmZkxQ51qGKfUPtAMxA8rTwBrmTs CID of the avatar pic string: QmSWnQSqwmovA8o3xPuhfD4HEg19JYzQuoStrp8xFXWU2x CID of the avatar name string: QmbteQvDFdMLS7Uf24F7j4rAZNSqinT74yygUhNWr2RaC2 CID of the avatar account string: QmS1pivhZ9NPpA7CoyF7ZpuvK5RCLafBq9FtpnquoBmx18


Avatar class is cyberLinks:

  • CID of avatar string -> CID of avatar {class} string

The pic, name and account avatar classes have been set as constants, and you can skip creating them.

Example cyberLink of Avatar Class Create Avatar class directly

Avatar object is cyberLink:

  • CID of avatar {class} string -> CID of a pic, name or account

Example cyberLink of Avatar object Create Avatar object directly



CID of the favorite string: QmRU8Tz93jmiHEJcTz7GbmuJ6N3DxS8jzqDAp2c9UAK4mR CID of the favorite name string: QmbWLFqpQo1fUPnTsM4jP9aipugMXNAKSDovQLVNV4a4ai CID of the favorite label string: QmQuN7KtLjYGX4m4gon73Pitm8942hkwD1usQYAFghH5d5 CID of the favorite tag string: QmcYCv1bpzTmxcfkkxUv8bBW23UCBgVMkVkPCeZ2Q5kJnb


Favorite class is cyberLink:

  • CID of the favorite -> CID of favorite {name|label|tag}

The name, label and tag favorite classes have been set as constants, and you can skip creating them.

Example cyberLink of Favorite Class Create Favorite class directly

Favorite object is a cyberLink:

  • CID of favorite {class} -> CID of an object

Example cyberLink of Favorite object Create Favorite object directly

Data Type


CID of the data type string: QmRU8Tz93jmiHEJcTz7GbmuJ6N3DxS8jzqDAp2c9UAK4mR


Initialize of a data type:

  • CID of the data type -> CID of a data type

Example cyberLink of Data Type Class Initialize of a Data Type directly

Link object with a data type:

  • CID of a data type -> CID of an object

Example cyberLink of Data Type object Link object with a Data Type directly

Price Verified

  • CID of a token contract address -> CID of a price source

Token Data

  • CID of a token contract address -> CID of a metadata