
My activities for data science learning club at http://becomingadatascientist.com/learningclub



My activities for data science learning club


Learning activities for which I have written blog posts can be found here

The activities that are contained in this repo are explained in the following sections.

Activity 02 - Creating Visuals for Exploratory Data Analysis

Forum post

Contains visualisations of NFL data, mainly focusing on teams.

Activity 05 - Naive Bayes classification

Forum post

Performed Naive Bayes on the mushroom data set

Wrote report in rmarkdown.

Activity 07 - Linear regression

Performed Linear Regression on salary dataset

Wrote report in rmarkdown. Shows use of ggplot, ggpairs (GGally), reshape2, lm Deals with correlation, visualisation of data (numeric+categoric), details of lm(), computation & visualisation of train & test error

Activity 16 - Genetic algorithms

I based my implementation on the notebook Computing the optimal road trip across the U.S. by (c) Randal S. Olson (http://www.randalolson.com/, rhiever on github). (License info).

I ported his algorithm to R and used the data that is stored by his notebook as a .tsv file. The code performs a genetic algorithm on a data set of US cities to find the shortest distance to visit all cities.