
EU GNU Radio Days 2021 challenge solution


EU GNU Radio Days 2021 challenge solution

For the European GNU Radio Days 2021, Jean-Michel Friedt, as part of the organizing team set up a signal decoding challenge based on GPS signals. The challenge was posted about one month in advance of the conference. The price to the two best solutions was two USRP B205mini's kindly provided by NI, who sponsored the conference.

The description of the challenge can be seen here.

I managed to solve this challenge shortly after it was published, and sent Jean-Michel a Jupyter notebook explaining my solution. Jean-Michel liked this approach and invited me to present my solution at the conference. This presentation can be watched in the recording of the conference livestream. This also includes some comments from Jean-Michel regarding the challenge.

In this repository I publish all the material that I used as part of my solution, together with the original scripts that Jean-Michel used to generate the IQ file (he has shared them after we presented the solution in the conference).

The repository is organized as follows:

  • EU GNU Radio Days 2021 challenge.ipynb - The Jupyter notebook which I used to analyse the signal and write the report of my solution. This is what I presented in the conference.

  • eugr_challenge.grc - A GNU Radio flowgraph which was used to demodulate the BPSK signal and do some additional measurements.

  • avg_pwr.f32, costas_freq.f32, symbols.f32 - The output files produced by the GNU Radio flowgraph. These are provided so that the Jupyter notebook can be run directly, without having to re-run the flowgraph.

  • setup/ - The files that Jean-Michel used to set-up the challenge and generate the IQ signal.