
Tutorials for boost-histogram


PyHEP WG topical meeting - boost-histogram / Hist

This is the repository for the tutorial boost-histogram / Hist presented at the PyHEP WG topical meeting on March 2nd, 2022.

You can run these notebooks and follow the tutorial in this public cloud service called Binder:


Recent developments in Scikit-HEP libraries have enabled fast, efcient histogramming powered by boost-histogram. Hist provides useful shortcuts for plotting and proles based on boost-histogram. This talk aims to discuss these histogramming packages built on the histogram-as-an-object concept.

The attendees would learn how to use these tools to easily make histograms, perform various operations on them, and make their analysis more efficient and easy. The talk would also discuss some examples and use cases, recent developments and future plans for these packages.

About the author

Henry Schreiner is a Research Software Engineer and Computational Physicist in High Energy Physics at Princeton University. He specializes in the interface between high-performance compiled codes and interactive computation in Python, in software distribution, and in interface design. He has previously worked on computational cosmic-ray tomography for archaeology and high performance GPU model fitting. He is currently a member of the IRIS-HEP project, developing tools for the next era of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). He is an admin for Scikit-HEP, and as a maintainer for pybind11, cibuildwheel, pypa/build, and plumbum.